Still no archaeological evidence that Neanderthals created Iberian cave art R White, G Bosinski, R Bourrillon, J Clottes, MW Conkey, SC Rodriguez, ... Journal of Human Evolution 144, 102640, 2020 | 112 | 2020 |
Uranium-series dating of carbonate formations overlying Paleolithic art: interest and limitations E Pons-Branchu, R Bourrillon, MW Conkey, M Fontugne, C Fritz, D Gárate, ... Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 211-224, 2014 | 70 | 2014 |
Master and apprentice: evidence for learning in Palaeolithic portable art O Rivero Journal of Archaeological Science 75, 89-100, 2016 | 65 | 2016 |
On the limits of 3D capture: A new method to approach the photogrammetric recording of palaeolithic thin incised engravings in Atxurra Cave (northern Spain) O Rivero, JF Ruiz-López, I Intxaurbe, S Salazar, D Garate Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 14, e00106, 2019 | 52 | 2019 |
Uranium–thorium dating method and Palaeolithic rock art G Sauvet, R Bourrillon, M Conkey, C Fritz, D Gárate-Maidagan, OR Vilá, ... Quaternary International 432, 86-92, 2017 | 50 | 2017 |
Nouvelles données sur le Magdalénien inférieur de la Région Cantabrique: le Niveau F de la grotte de El Cierro (Ribadesella, Asturies, Espagne) E Álvarez-Fernández, D Álvarez-Alonso, J Bécares, P Carral, RP Carriol, ... L'anthropologie 120 (5), 537-567, 2016 | 48 | 2016 |
La movilidad de los grupos humanos en el Magdaleniense de la Región Cantábrica y los Pirineos: Una visión a través del arte O Rivero Vilá | 48 | 2010 |
Defining Magdalenian cultural groups in Franco-Cantabria by the formal analysis of portable artworks O Rivero, G Sauvet Antiquity 88 (339), 64-80, 2014 | 46 | 2014 |
The conquest of the dark spaces: An experimental approach to lighting systems in Paleolithic caves MÁ Medina-Alcaide, D Garate, I Intxaurbe, JL Sanchidrián, O Rivero, ... PLoS One 16 (6), e0250497, 2021 | 44 | 2021 |
At the crossroad: A new approach to the Upper Paleolithic art in the Western Pyrenees D Garate, O Rivero, A Ruiz-Redondo, J Rios-Garaizar Quaternary international 364, 283-293, 2015 | 44 | 2015 |
Art mobilier des chasseurs magdaléniens de la façade atlantique O Rivero ERAUL, Études et recherches archéologiques de l'Université de Liège, 2015 | 42 | 2015 |
L’art de la préhistoire C Fritz, M Barbaza, G Pinçon, G Tosello, C Boyd, J Clottes, MW Conkey, ... Citadelles & Mazenod, 2017 | 36 | 2017 |
La noción de aprendizaje en el arte mobiliar del Magdaleniense Medio cántabro-pirenaico: la contribución del análisis microscópico OR Vilá Trabajos de prehistoria 68 (2), 275-295, 2011 | 34 | 2011 |
BACK TO THE POINT: NEW DATINGS FOR LA PEÑA DE CANDAMO CAVE ART (ASTURIAS) De vuelta al punto de partida: nuevas dataciones del arte de la cueva de La Peña de Candamo (Asturias) S Corchón, D Garate, H Valladas, O Rivero, E Pons-Branchu, PHC Ortega Zephyrus 73, 67-81, 2014 | 32* | 2014 |
La ‘Galería de los Bisontes’: un nuevo sector decorado en la Cueva de Alkerdi (Urdazubi/Urdax, Navarra) D Gárate Maidagán, O Rivero Vilá Universidad de Salamanca, 2015 | 30 | 2015 |
Hidden images in Atxurra Cave (Northern Spain): A new proposal for visibility analyses of Palaeolithic rock art in subterranean environments I Intxaurbe, O Rivero, MÁ Medina-Alcaide, M Arriolabengoa, ... Quaternary International 566, 163-170, 2020 | 27 | 2020 |
The cave of Isturitz (West Pyrenees, France): one century of research in Paleolithic parietal art D Garate, A Labarge, O Rivero, C Normand, J Darricau Arts 2 (4), 253-272, 2013 | 25 | 2013 |
The cave of Atxurra: A new major Magdalenian rock art sanctuary in Northern Spain D Garate, O Rivero, J Ríos-Garaizar, M Arriolabengoa, ... Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 29, 102120, 2020 | 24 | 2020 |
Redefining shared symbolic networks during the Gravettian in Western Europe: New data from the rock art findings in Aitzbitarte caves (Northern Spain) D Garate, O Rivero, J Rios-Garaizar, M Arriolabengoa, I Intxaurbe, ... PloS one 15 (10), e0240481, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Vers une caractérisation du gisement magdalénien d'Isturitz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) à travers sa production artistique O Rivero Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 255-274, 2014 | 22 | 2014 |