Peter Vermeersch
Peter Vermeersch
Professor of political science
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The Romani movement: Minority politics and ethnic mobilization in contemporary Central Europe
P Vermeersch
Berghahn books, 2006
Reframing the Roma: EU initiatives and the politics of reinterpretation
P Vermeersch
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 38 (8), 1195-1212, 2012
EU enlargement and minority rights policies in Central Europe: Explaining policy shifts in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland
P Vermeersch
JEMIE 14, 114, 2015
Ethnic minority identity and movement politics: The case of the Roma in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
P Vermeersch
Ethnic & Racial Studies 26 (5), 879-901, 2003
Backdoor nationalism
JE Fox, P Vermeersch
European Journal of Sociology/Archives Européennes de Sociologie 51 (2), 325-357, 2010
Ethnic mobilisation and the political conditionality of European Union accession: the case of the Roma in Slovakia
P Vermeersch
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 28 (1), 83-101, 2002
EU Enlargement and Gay Politics
K Slootmaeckers, H Touquet, P Vermeersch
Editor (s)(if applicable) and the Author (s), 2016
Minority policy in Central Europe: Exploring the impact of the EU's enlargement strategy
P Vermeersch
The Global Review of Ethnopolitics 3 (2), 3-19, 2004
Governing human rights and Roma inclusion: can the EU be a catalyst for local social change?
E Sobotka, P Vermeersch
Human Rights Quarterly 34 (3), 800-822, 2012
Marginality, advocacy, and the ambiguities of multiculturalism: Notes on Romani activism in Central Europe
P Vermeersch
Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 12 (4), 451-478, 2005
Editors' introduction. The Roma in the new EU: Policies, frames and everyday experiences
N Sigona, P Vermeersch
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 38 (8), 1189-1193, 2012
Theories of ethnic mobilization: Overview and recent trends
P Vermeersch
The Elgar Companion to Civil War and Fragile States, Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar …, 2011
The co-evolution of EU’s Eastern enlargement and LGBT politics: An ever gayer union?
K Slootmaeckers, H Touquet, P Vermeersch
The EU enlargement and gay politics: The impact of Eastern enlargement on …, 2016
The Roma
P Vermeersch, MH Ram
Minority rights in central and Eastern Europe, 61-74, 2008
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Thinking beyond institution-building
H Touquet, P Vermeersch
Nationalism and ethnic politics 14 (2), 266-288, 2008
The group expulsion of Slovak Roma by the Belgian government: A case study of the treatment of Romani refugees in western countries
C Cahn, P Vermeersch
Cambridge Review of International Affairs 13 (2), 71-82, 2000
EU enlargement and immigration policy in Poland and Slovakia
P Vermeersch
Communist and Post-Communist Studies 38 (1), 71-88, 2005
The European Union and the Roma: An analysis of recent institutional and policy developments
P Vermeersch
Minority governance in and beyond Europe, 199-216, 2014
The limits of operational representations: ways of seeing Roma beyond the recognition-redistribution paradigm
P Vermeersch, H Van Baar
Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics 3 (4), 2017
Introduction: EU enlargement and LGBT rights—Beyond symbolism?
K Slootmaeckers, H Touquet, P Vermeersch
The EU enlargement and gay politics: The impact of eastern enlargement on …, 2016
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