Jennifer-Carmen Frey
Jennifer-Carmen Frey
Other namesJennifer Frey
Senior Researcher, Institute for Applied Linguistics, Eurac Research Bolzano
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Cited by
Cited by
Leonide: A longitudinal trilingual corpus of young learners of Italian, German and English
A Glaznieks, JC Frey, M Stopfner, L Zanasi, L Nicolas
International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 8 (1), 97-120, 2022
The DiDi corpus of south Tyrolean CMC data: A multilingual corpus of Facebook texts
JC Frey, A Glaznieks, EW Stemle
Proceedings of the Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics …, 2016
The DiDi Corpus of South Tyrolean CMC Data
JC Frey, A Glaznieks, EW Stemle
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop of the Natural Language Processing for …, 2015
Collecting language data of non-public social media profiles
JC Frey, EW Stemle, A Glaznieks
Workshop Proceedings of the 12th Edition of the KONVENS Conference, 11-15, 2014
CTAP for Italian: Integrating components for the analysis of Italian into a multilingual linguistic complexity analysis tool
N Okinina, JC Frey, Z Weiss
Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation …, 2020
Dialekt als Norm? Zum Sprachgebrauch Südtiroler Jugendlicher auf Facebook
A Glaznieks, JC Frey
Jugendsprachen/Youth Languages: Aktuelle Perspektiven internationaler …, 2018
Das DiDi-Korpus: Internetbasierte Kommunikation aus Südtirol
A Glaznieks, JC Frey
Deutsch in Sozialen Medien. Interaktiv–multimodal–vielfältig, 353-354, 2020
Social Media Usage at Universities-How Should it Be Done?
JC Frey, M Ebner, M Schön, B Taraghi
Special Session on Future Workplace-Socio-technical Impacts on Knowledge and …, 2013
Towards standardizing LCR metadata
A König, JC Frey, EW Stemle, AA Glaznieks, M Paquot
6th International Conference for Learner Corpus Research (LCR 2022), 2022
The Myth of the Digital Native: Analysing language use of different generations on Facebook
JC Frey, A Glaznieks
Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC …, 2018
Exploring reusability and reproducibility for a research infrastructure for l1 and l2 learner corpora
A König, JC Frey, EW Stemle
Information 12 (5), 199, 2021
Fremdsprachen im Schulunterricht
J Chardaloupa, G Perperidis, G Buchberger, V Heckmann, E Lackner, ...
Mit Technologien Sprachen lernen und lehren. In Ebner, M. & Schön, S.(ed …, 2013
How FAIR are CMC corpora?
JC Frey, A König, EW Stemle
Proceedings of the 7th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the …, 2019
Core Metadata Schema for L2 data
JC Frey, A König, E Stemle, M Paquot
32nd conference of the European Second Language Association (EUROSLA), 2023
The FAIR Index of CMC Corpora
JC Frey, A König, EW Stemle, A Falaise, D Fišer, H Lüngen
CMC Corpora through the prism of digital humanities, 127-144, 2020
Universitäten in sozialen Netzwerken. Wie Hochschulen die Chancen und Herausforderungen der sozialen Medien nutzen können
JC Frey, M Ebner
Handbuch E-Learning–Expertenwissen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis–Strategie …, 2014
Einleitung-zum Lehrbuch und dem etwas anderen Lehrbuchprojekt
M Ebner, S Schön, JC Frey
L3T. Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien, 2013
The Kolipsi Corpus Family: Resources for Learner Corpus Research in Italian and German
A Glaznieks, JC Frey, A Abel, L Nicolas, C Vettori
IJCoL. Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics 9 (9-2), 2023
bot. zen at LangLearn: regressing towards interpretability
EW Stemle, M Tebaldini, F Bonanni, F Pellegrino, P Brasolin, GH Franzini, ...
Proceedings of the Eighth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing …, 2023
MultiGED-2023 shared task at NLP4CALL: Multilingual Grammatical Error Detection
E Volodina, C Bryant, A Caines, O De Clercq, JC Frey, E Ershova, ...
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language …, 2023
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Articles 1–20