Mathias Berger
Mathias Berger
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The role of power-to-gas and carbon capture technologies in cross-sector decarbonisation strategies
M Berger, D Radu, R Fonteneau, T Deschuyteneer, G Detienne, D Ernst
Electric Power Systems Research 180, 106039, 2020
Critical time windows for renewable resource complementarity assessment
M Berger, D Radu, R Fonteneau, R Henry, M Glavic, X Fettweis, M Le Du, ...
Energy, 117308, 2020
Remote Renewable Hubs for Carbon-Neutral Synthetic Fuel Production
M Berger, D Radu, G Detienne, T Deschuyteneer, A Richel, D Ernst
Frontiers in Energy Research 9, 671279, 2021
Complementarity assessment of south Greenland katabatic flows and West Europe wind regimes
D Radu, M Berger, R Fonteneau, S Hardy, X Fettweis, M Le Du, ...
Energy 175, 393-401, 2019
Sector Coupling: Concepts, State-of-the-art and Perspectives
M Münster, DM Sneum, R Bramstoft, F Bühler, B Elmegaard, S Giannelos, ...
GBOML: Graph-Based Optimization Modeling Language
B Miftari, M Berger, H Djelassi, D Ernst
Journal of Open Source Software 7 (72), 4158, 2022
Assessing the impact of offshore wind siting strategies on the design of the European power system
D Radu, M Berger, A Dubois, R Fonteneau, H Pandžić, Y Dvorkin, ...
Applied Energy 305, 117700, 2022
Jointly Learning Environments and Control Policies with Projected Stochastic Gradient Ascent
A Bolland, I Boukas, M Berger, D Ernst
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 73, 117-171, 2022
Global electricity network-feasibility study
J Yu, K Bakic, A Kumar, A Iliceto, L Beleke Tabu, JL Ruaud, J Fan, B Cova, ...
CIGRE Technical Report 775. Study Committee: C1 WG: C1. 35, 2019
Centralised planning of national integrated energy system with power-to-gas and gas storages
M Berger, D Radu, R Fonteneau, G Detienne, T Deschuyteneer, D Ernst
IET Digital Library, 2018
Siting renewable power generation assets with combinatorial optimisation
M Berger, D Radu, A Dubois, H Pandžić, Y Dvorkin, Q Louveaux, D Ernst
Optimization Letters 16 (3), 877-907, 2022
Model Reduction in Capacity Expansion Planning Problems via Renewable Generation Site Selection
D Radu, A Dubois, M Berger, D Ernst
2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, 1-6, 2021
GBOML: a structure-exploiting optimization modelling language in Python
B Miftari, M Berger, G Derval, Q Louveaux, D Ernst
Optimization Methods and Software, 1-30, 2023
Graph-Based Optimization Modeling Language: A Tutorial
M Berger, A Bolland, B Miftari, H Djelassi, D Ernst
The Role of Hydrogen in the Dutch Electricity System
M Berger, DC Radu, K Ryszka, D Ernst, R Fonteneau, G Detienne, ...
Exploiting structure in MILP: a modeler’s perspective
B Miftari, M Berger, G Derval, D Ernst
SIAM OP23, 2023
Low-Carbon Energy System Design: Methods, Software and Applications
M Berger
ULiège-Université de Liège [BE][Faculté des Sciences Appliquées], Liège, Belgium, 2023
Introduction to Numerical Optimization: Problem Sets with Solutions
M Berger
Graph-Based Optimization Modeling Language (GBOML)
B Miftari, M Berger, D Ernst
Meeting with TotalEnergies, 2022
On the role of resource complementarity in siting renewable power plants and its impact on power system design and economics
M Berger, D Radu, D Ernst
Complementarity of Variable Renewable Energy Sources, 171-196, 2022
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