Ryan Stables
Ryan Stables
Prof. Digital Audio, Digital Media Technology Lab, Birmingham City University.
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Brain tumour differentiation: rapid stratified serum diagnostics via attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy
JR Hands, G Clemens, R Stables, K Ashton, A Brodbelt, C Davis, ...
Journal of neuro-oncology 127, 463-472, 2016
Automatic Drum Transcription using Bi-Directional Recurrent Neural Networks
C Southall, R Stables, J Hockman
17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR …, 2016
SAFE: A system for extraction and retrieval of semantic audio descriptors
R Stables, S Enderby, B De Man, G Fazekas, JD Reiss
Ten Years of Automatic Mixing
B De Man, JD Reiss, R Stables
Proceedings of The 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Music Production, 2017
Automatic Drum Transcription for Polyphonic Recordings using Soft Attention Mechanisms and Convolutional Neural Networks
C Southall, R Stables, J Hockman
Proceedings of The 18th International Society for Music Information …, 2017
Web Audio Evaluation Tool: A framework for subjective assessment of audio
N Jillings, D Moffat, B De Man, JD Reiss, R Stables
Semantic description of timbral transformations in music production
R Stables, B De Man, S Enderby, JD Reiss, G Fazekas, T Wilmering
Proceedings of the 24th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 337-341, 2016
Feature driven classification of Raman spectra for real-time spectral brain tumour diagnosis using sound
R Stables, G Clemens, HJ Butler, KM Ashton, A Brodbelt, TP Dawson, ...
Analyst 142 (1), 98-109, 2017
Intelligent music production
B De Man, R Stables, JD Reiss
Focal Press, 2019
Audio latency measurement for desktop operating systems with onboard soundcards
Y Wang, R Stables, J Reiss
Audio Engineering Society Convention 128, 2010
Semantically controlled adaptive equalisation in reduced dimensionality parameter space
S Stasis, R Stables, J Hockman
Applied Sciences 6 (4), 116, 2016
Investigating music production using a semantically powered digital audio workstation in the browser
N Jillings, R Stables
Audio Engineering Society Conference: 2017 AES International Conference on …, 2017
JSAP: A plugin standard for the web audio api with intelligent functionality
N Jillings, Y Wang, JD Reiss, R Stables
Audio Engineering Society Convention 141, 2016
Js-xtract: A realtime audio feature extraction library for the web
N Jillings, J Bullock, R Stables
International Society of Music Information Retrieval, 2016
A model for adaptive reduced-dimensionality equalisation
S Stasis, R Stables, J Hockman
18th International International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx …, 2015
Audio processing chain recommendation
S Stasis, N Jillings, S Enderby, R Stables
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects …, 2017
Intelligent audio plugin framework for the Web Audio API
N Jillings, Y Wang, R Stables, JD Reiss
Proceedings of The 3rd Web Audio Conference, 2017
Zero-Delay large signal convolution using multiple processor architectures
N Jillings, JD Reiss, R Stables
2017 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and …, 2017
An Intelligent audio workstation in the browser
N Jillings, R Stables
Proceedings of The 3rd Web Audio Conference, 2017
Subjective Comparison of Music Production Practices Using the Web Audio Evaluation Tool
B De Man, N Jillings, D Moffat, JD Reiss, R Stables
Proceedings of the 2nd AES Workshop on Intelligent Music Production 13, 2016
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