Manufacturing execution system–a literature review B Saenz de Ugarte, A Artiba, R Pellerin Production planning and control 20 (6), 525-539, 2009 | 365 | 2009 |
Integrating simulation and optimization to schedule a hybrid flow shop with maintenance constraints H Allaoui, A Artiba Computers & Industrial Engineering 47 (4), 431-450, 2004 | 261 | 2004 |
Solving surgical cases assignment problem by a branch-and-price approach H Fei, C Chu, N Meskens, A Artiba International journal of production economics 112 (1), 96-108, 2008 | 215 | 2008 |
Scheduling two-stage hybrid flow shop with availability constraints H Allaoui, A Artiba Computers & operations research 33 (5), 1399-1419, 2006 | 150 | 2006 |
A hybrid three-stage flowshop problem: efficient heuristics to minimize makespan F Riane, A Artiba, SE Elmaghraby European Journal of Operational Research 109 (2), 321-329, 1998 | 147 | 1998 |
The planning and scheduling of production systems: methodologies and applications A Artiba, SE Elmaghraby Springer Science & Business Media, 1996 | 96 | 1996 |
Simultaneously scheduling n jobs and the preventive maintenance on the two-machine flow shop to minimize the makespan H Allaoui, S Lamouri, A Artiba, E Aghezzaf International Journal of Production Economics 112 (1), 161-167, 2008 | 95 | 2008 |
An integrated production planning and scheduling system for hybrid flowshop organizations F Riane, A Artiba, S Iassinovski International Journal of Production Economics 74 (1-3), 33-48, 2001 | 79 | 2001 |
Introduction to intelligent simulation: The RAO language A Artiba, VV Emelyanov, SI Iassinovski Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 60 | 2012 |
Minimizing the weighted sum of maximum earliness and maximum tardiness costs on a single machine with periodic preventive maintenance R Benmansour, H Allaoui, A Artiba, S Hanafi Computers & Operations Research 47, 106-113, 2014 | 58 | 2014 |
Integrated production, maintenance and quality control policy for unreliable manufacturing systems under dynamic inspection A Ait-El-Cadi, A Gharbi, K Dhouib, A Artiba International Journal of Production Economics 236, 108140, 2021 | 57 | 2021 |
Sequencing a hybrid two-stage flowshop with dedicated machines F Riane, A Artiba, SE Elmaghraby International Journal of Production Research 40 (17), 4353-4380, 2002 | 57 | 2002 |
A scheduling problem in glass manufacturing DW He, A Kusiak, A Artiba IIE transactions 28 (2), 129-139, 1996 | 54 | 1996 |
Scheduling preventive railway maintenance activities with resource constraints R Macedo, R Benmansour, A Artiba, N Mladenović, D Urošević Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 58, 215-222, 2017 | 52 | 2017 |
A generic framework to support the selection of an RFID-based control system with application to the MRO activities of an aircraft engine manufacturer A Ramudhin, M Paquet, A Artiba, P Dupré, D Varvaro, V Thomson Production Planning and Control 19 (2), 183-196, 2008 | 52 | 2008 |
Integration of simulation and optimization for solving complex decision making problems S Iassinovski, A Artiba, V Bachelet, F Riane International Journal of Production Economics 85 (1), 3-10, 2003 | 51 | 2003 |
Scheduling of a two-machine flowshop with availability constraints on the first machine H Allaoui, A Artiba, SE Elmaghraby, F Riane International Journal of Production Economics 99 (1-2), 16-27, 2006 | 49 | 2006 |
Joint production and preventive maintenance controls for unreliable and imperfect manufacturing systems AA El Cadi, A Gharbi, K Dhouib, A Artiba Journal of Manufacturing Systems 58, 263-279, 2021 | 47 | 2021 |
Nested general variable neighborhood search for the periodic maintenance problem R Todosijević, R Benmansour, S Hanafi, N Mladenović, A Artiba European Journal of Operational Research 252 (2), 385-396, 2016 | 45 | 2016 |
An application of a planning and scheduling multi-model approach in the chemical industry A Artiba, F Riane Computers in Industry 36 (3), 209-229, 1998 | 42 | 1998 |