Dr. V. Dinesh Reddy
Dr. V. Dinesh Reddy
Assistant Professor, SRM University
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Metrics for Sustainable Data Centers
V Dinesh Reddy, B Setz, GSVRK Rao, GR Gangadharan, M Aiello
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2017
Towards an “Internet of Things” framework for financial services sector
V Dinesh Reddy, GR Gangadharan
Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT), 2016 3rd International …, 2016
Energy-aware virtual machine allocation and selection in cloud data centers
V Dinesh Reddy, GR Gangadharan, GSVRK Rao
Soft Computing 23, 1917-1932, 2019
SONG: A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for delay and energy aware facility location in vehicular fog networks
MM Hussain, AT Azar, R Ahmed, S Umar Amin, B Qureshi, ...
Sensors 23 (2), 667, 2023
Best practices for sustainable datacenters
VD Reddy, B Setz, GSVRK Rao, GR Gangadharan, M Aiello
IT Professional 20 (5), 57-67, 2018
A secure IoT-based micro-payment protocol for wearable devices
S Bojjagani, PVV Rao, DR Vemula, R Reddy, TJ Lakshmi
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2021
Energy efficient virtual machine placement in cloud data centers using modified intelligent water drop algorithm
CS Verma, VD Reddy, GR Gangadharan, A Negi
2017 13th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet …, 2017
Energy-efficient resource allocation in data centers using a hybrid evolutionary algorithm
VD Reddy, GR Gangadharan, G Rao, M Aiello
Machine learning for intelligent decision science, 71-92, 2020
A discrete cosine transform-based intelligent image steganography scheme using quantum substitution box
S Maurya, N Nandu, T Patel, VD Reddy, S Tiwari, MK Morampudi
Quantum Information Processing 22 (5), 206, 2023
Post-quantum distributed ledger technology: a systematic survey
NK Parida, C Jatoth, VD Reddy, MM Hussain, J Faizi
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 20729, 2023
Image description generator using residual neural network and long short-term memory
MK Morampudi, N Gonthina, N Bhaskar, VD Reddy
Computer Science Journal of Moldova 91 (1), 3-21, 2023
A Scalable 5, 6-Qubit Grover's Quantum Search Algorithm
DR Vemula, D Konar, S Satheesan, SM Kalidasu, A Cangi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00117, 2022
Forecasting energy consumption using deep echo state networks optimized with genetic algorithm
VD Reddy, K Nilavan, GR Gangadharan, U Fiore
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science technologies …, 2021
CybSecMLC: A comparative analysis on cyber security intrusion detection using machine learning classifiers
S Bojjagani, BR Reddy, M Sandhya, DR Vemula
Machine Learning and Metaheuristics Algorithms, and Applications: Second …, 2021
Enhanced resource provisioning and migrating virtual machines in heterogeneous cloud data center
DR Vemula, MK Morampudi, S Maurya, A Abdul, MM Hussain, I Kavati
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14 (9), 12825-12836, 2023
Non-invertible cancellable template for fingerprint biometric
I Kavati, GK Kumar, MV Gopalachari, ES Babu, R Cheruku, VD Reddy
International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 615-624, 2021
Latency Aware-Resource Planning in Edge Using Fuzzy Logic
SK Sahoo, A Dash, DR Vemula, CK Swain, SK Mishra
2023 2nd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence in Health Care …, 2023
Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Brain Image Data Using Deep Neural Networks
PB Lakshmi, VD Reddy, S Ghosh, SS Sengar
International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and …, 2023
Sentiment analysis for real-time micro blogs using twitter data
R Banu, GFA Ahammed, G Divya, VD Reddy, N Bhaskar, M Kanthi
2023 2nd International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON), 1-6, 2023
Text to Image Synthesis Using Multistage Stack GAN
VD Reddy, Y Desu, M Sindhu, C Vamsee, N Girish
Handbook of Research on AI Methods and Applications in Computer Engineering …, 2023
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Articles 1–20