David Kenric Hammond
David Kenric Hammond
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Oregon Institute of Technology - Wilsonville
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Wavelets on graphs via spectral graph theory
DK Hammond, P Vandergheynst, R Gribonval
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 30 (2), 129-150, 2011
GSPBOX: A toolbox for signal processing on graphs
N Perraudin, J Paratte, D Shuman, L Martin, V Kalofolias, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.5781, 2014
Dequantizing compressed sensing: When oversampling and non-gaussian constraints combine
L Jacques, DK Hammond, JM Fadili
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 57 (1), 559-571, 2010
Beverage consumption and energy intake among Canadians: analyses of 2004 and 2015 national dietary intake data
AC Jones, SI Kirkpatrick, D Hammond
Nutrition journal 18, 1-14, 2019
Graph diffusion distance: A difference measure for weighted graphs based on the graph Laplacian exponential kernel
DK Hammond, Y Gur, CR Johnson
2013 IEEE global conference on signal and information processing, 419-422, 2013
Image modeling and denoising with orientation-adapted Gaussian scale mixtures
DK Hammond, EP Simoncelli
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17 (11), 2089-2101, 2008
Evaluation of a faecal calprotectin care pathway for use in primary care
J Turvill, S O’Connell, A Brooks, K Bradley-Wood, J Laing, S Thiagarajan, ...
Primary health care research & development 17 (5), 428-436, 2016
The spectral graph wavelet transform: Fundamental theory and fast computation
DK Hammond, P Vandergheynst, R Gribonval
Vertex-Frequency Analysis of Graph Signals, 141-175, 2018
The health and economic impact of a tax on sugary drinks in Canada
AC Jones, JL Veerman, D Hammond
Waterloo (ON): University of Waterloo, 2017
Standardized packaging tobacco products evidence review: prepared on behalf of the Irish Department of Health
D Hammond
Department of Health (DoH), 2014
Cortical graph smoothing: a novel method for exploiting DWI-derived anatomical brain connectivity to improve EEG source estimation
DK Hammond, B Scherrer, SK Warfield
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 32 (10), 1952-1963, 2013
Wavelet domain Bayesian denoising of string signal in the cosmic microwave background
DK Hammond, Y Wiaux, P Vandergheynst
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 398 (3), 1317-1332, 2009
Image denoising with an orientation-adaptive Gaussian scale mixture model
DK Hammond, EP Simoncelli
2006 International Conference on Image Processing, 1433-1436, 2006
Stabilizing nonuniformly quantized compressed sensing with scalar companders
L Jacques, DK Hammond, MJ Fadili
IEEE transactions on information theory 59 (12), 7969-7984, 2013
Nonlinear image representation via local multiscale orientation
DK Hammond, EP Simoncelli
Rapport technique, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York …, 2005
Dequantizing compressed sensing with non-gaussian constraints
L Jacques, DK Hammond, MJ Fadili
2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1465-1468, 2009
Transients in the synchronization of asymmetrically coupled oscillator arrays
CE Cantos, DK Hammond, JJP Veerman
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 225, 1199-1209, 2016
A machine learning framework for adaptive combination of signal denoising methods
DK Hammond, EP Simoncelli
2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 6, VI-29-VI-32, 2007
Image denoising with nonlocal spectral graph wavelets
DK Hammond, L Jacques, P Vandergheynst, O Lézoray, L Grady
Image Processing and Analysis with Graphs: Theory and Practice, 208-236, 2012
Computational modeling of human head electromagnetics for source localization of milliscale brain dynamics
AD Malony, A Salman, S Turovets, D Tucker, V Volkov, K Li, JE Song, ...
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 18, 329-335, 2011
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