Matthew McGarry
Matthew McGarry
Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College
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Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) of the human brain: technique, findings and clinical applications
LV Hiscox, CL Johnson, E Barnhill, MDJ McGarry, J Huston, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 61 (24), R401, 2016
Local mechanical properties of white matter structures in the human brain
CL Johnson, MDJ McGarry, AA Gharibans, JB Weaver, KD Paulsen, ...
Neuroimage 79, 145-152, 2013
An octahedral shear strain-based measure of SNR for 3D MR elastography
MDJ McGarry, EEW Van Houten, PR Perrinez, AJ Pattison, JB Weaver, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 56 (13), N153, 2011
Multiresolution MR elastography using nonlinear inversion
MDJ McGarry, EEW Van Houten, CL Johnson, JG Georgiadis, BP Sutton, ...
Medical physics 39 (10), 6388-6396, 2012
Magnetic resonance elastography of the brain using multishot spiral readouts with self‐navigated motion correction
CL Johnson, MDJ McGarry, EEW Van Houten, JB Weaver, KD Paulsen, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 70 (2), 404-412, 2013
3D multislab, multishot acquisition for fast, whole‐brain MR elastography with high signal‐to‐noise efficiency
CL Johnson, JL Holtrop, MDJ McGarry, JB Weaver, KD Paulsen, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 71 (2), 477-485, 2014
Brain mechanical property measurement using MRE with intrinsic activation
JB Weaver, AJ Pattison, MD McGarry, IM Perreard, JG Swienckowski, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 57 (22), 7275, 2012
Viscoelasticity of subcortical gray matter structures
CL Johnson, H Schwarb, M DJ McGarry, AT Anderson, GR Huesmann, ...
Human brain mapping 37 (12), 4221-4233, 2016
High-resolution magnetic resonance elastography reveals differences in subcortical gray matter viscoelasticity between young and healthy older adults
LV Hiscox, CL Johnson, MDJ McGarry, M Perrins, A Littlejohn, ...
Neurobiology of aging 65, 158-167, 2018
Medial temporal lobe viscoelasticity and relational memory performance
H Schwarb, CL Johnson, MDJ McGarry, NJ Cohen
Neuroimage 132, 534-541, 2016
Suitability of poroelastic and viscoelastic mechanical models for high and low frequency MR elastography
MDJ McGarry, CL Johnson, BP Sutton, JG Georgiadis, EEW Van Houten, ...
Medical physics 42 (2), 947-957, 2015
Observation of direction-dependent mechanical properties in the human brain with multi-excitation MR elastography
AT Anderson, EEW Van Houten, MDJ McGarry, KD Paulsen, JL Holtrop, ...
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 59, 538-546, 2016
Mechanical property alterations across the cerebral cortex due to Alzheimer’s disease
LV Hiscox, CL Johnson, MDJ McGarry, H Marshall, CW Ritchie, ...
Brain communications 2 (1), fcz049, 2020
Including Spatial Information in Nonlinear Inversion MR Elastography Using Soft Prior Regularization.
M McGarry, C Johnson, B Sutton, J Georgiadis, E Van Houten, J Weaver, ...
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 13 (10), 1901-1909, 2013
Aging brain mechanics: Progress and promise of magnetic resonance elastography
LV Hiscox, H Schwarb, MDJ McGarry, CL Johnson
Neuroimage 232, 117889, 2021
Standard‐space atlas of the viscoelastic properties of the human brain
LV Hiscox, MDJ McGarry, H Schwarb, EEW Van Houten, RT Pohlig, ...
Human brain mapping 41 (18), 5282-5300, 2020
Use of a Rayleigh damping model in elastography
MDJ McGarry, EEW Van Houten
Medical & biological engineering & computing 46, 759-766, 2008
Subzone based magnetic resonance elastography using a Rayleigh damped material model
EEW Van Houten, DR Viviers, MDJ McGarry, PR Perrinez, II Perreard, ...
Medical physics 38 (4), 1993-2004, 2011
Hippocampal viscoelasticity and episodic memory performance in healthy older adults examined with magnetic resonance elastography
LV Hiscox, CL Johnson, MDJ McGarry, H Schwarb, EJR Van Beek, ...
Brain imaging and behavior 14, 175-185, 2020
Viscoelastic power law parameters of in vivo human brain estimated by MR elastography
J Testu, MDJ McGarry, F Dittmann, JB Weaver, KD Paulsen, I Sack, ...
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 74, 333-341, 2017
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Articles 1–20