Reporting on the Issues of Research Rigour and Ethics: The Case of Publications Using Qualitative Methods in the Croatian Social Science Journals T Vuckovic Juros Revija za sociologiju 41 (2), 161, 2011 | 40 | 2011 |
The rise of the anti-gender movement in Croatia and the 2013 marriage referendum T Vuckovic Juros, I Dobrotić, S Flego Europe-Asia Studies 72 (9), 1523-1553, 2020 | 39 | 2020 |
Socijalna isključenost seksualnih manjina u Hrvatskoj T Vučković Juroš Revija za socijalnu politiku 22 (2), 195-217, 2015 | 32 | 2015 |
Usporedba ishoda djece iz obitelji istospolnih i raznospolnih partnera: osvrt na kvantitativne studije provedene na slucajnim reprezentativnim uzorcima T Vuckovic Juros Revija za sociologiju 47 (1), 65, 2017 | 26* | 2017 |
Kako nastaju kolektivna sjećanja: promišljanja o interakcionističkom modelu kolektivnih sjećanja T Vučković Juroš Revija za sociologiju, 79-101, 2010 | 18* | 2010 |
‘Things were good during Tito’s times, my parents say’: How young Croatian generations negotiated the socially mediated frames of the recent Yugoslav past T Vuckovic Juros Memory Studies, 2018 | 16 | 2018 |
“Why is it that here we can be a family, and there we cannot?” How Wider Socio-Institutional Frameworks Shape Experiences of LGB Parenting T Vučković Juroš Revija za sociologiju 49 (2), 205-229, 2019 | 14* | 2019 |
Socijalna distanca i društveno okruženje: Manjinske skupine u postkomunističkim i južnoeuropskim zemljama T Vučković Juroš, I Dobrotić, S Zrinščak Vrednote u Hrvatskoj iu Europi: komparativna analiza, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
Transformative power of same-sex marriage and non-heterosexual reproductivity. How parents of GLB offspring adjust to their marriage and children T Vuckovic Juros Journal of GLBT Family Studies 16 (4), 418-433, 2020 | 11 | 2020 |
From gender re-traditionalizations to anti-gender mobilizations: Care for Family in Serbia and Croatia J Ćeriman, T Vučković Juroš East European Politics and Societies 38 (2), 662-681, 2024 | 10 | 2024 |
“I Have Always thought that, If I Am Poor, I’m Also Supposed to Study Poorly” Habitus, Emotions, and The Educational Trajectories of Disadvantaged Youth T Vučković Juroš Communist and post-communist studies 55 (2), 62-83, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
Coping Strategies of Economically (Partially) Inactive Households: The Case of Croatia D Bagić, I Dobrotić, J Lažnjak, P Rodik, T Vučković Juroš Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society, 2017 | 9* | 2017 |
Who Should Finance Childcare? Multilevel Analysis of 24 Countries I Dobrotić, T Vučković Juroš Revija za socijalnu politiku 23 (3), 357-358, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
Role-playing Games (RPG) Subkultura T Vučković Diskrepancija: studentski časopis za društveno-humanističke teme 4 (7/8), 31-42, 2003 | 9 | 2003 |
Are parenting leaves available for LGBTQ parents? Examining policies in Canada, Croatia, France, Iceland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom G Kaufman, AM Auğardóttir, D Mazrekaj, RN Pettigrew, ... Research handbook on leave policy, 325-337, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
Sexualities and class in transnational family practices of LGB migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands T Vuckovic Juros Gender, Place & Culture 29 (2), 273-295, 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
Social changes and the generational differences in the formation of collective memories T Vuckovic Juros Indiana University, 2012 | 6* | 2012 |
A lesbian, gay and bisexual migration tale: On the role of intimate citizenship for transforming sexual subjectivities T Vuckovic Juros Sexualities 27 (3), 513-532, 2024 | 3 | 2024 |
Getting to the pink picket fence: how LGB migrants negotiate same-sex marriage T Vuckovic Juros Journal of family issues 43 (7), 1850-1873, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Challenges of qualitative data sharing in social sciences T Vuckovic Juros European Science Editing 48, e77781, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |