P K Joshi
P K Joshi
Director-South Asia, International Food Policy Research Institute
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Agriculture diversification in South Asia: patterns, determinants and policy implications
PK Joshi, A Gulati, PS Birthal, L Tewari
Economic and political weekly, 2457-2467, 2004
Farmers' prioritization of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) technologies
A Khatri-Chhetri, PK Aggarwal, PK Joshi, S Vyas
Agricultural systems 151, 184-191, 2017
Vertical coordination in high-value commodities: Implications for smallholders
PS Birthal, PK Joshi, A Gulati
Adapting food systems of the Indo-Gangetic plains to global environmental change: key information needs to improve policy formulation
PK Aggarwal, PK Joshi, JSI Ingram, RK Gupta
Environmental Science & Policy 7 (6), 487-498, 2004
Diversification in Indian agriculture toward high‐value crops: The role of small farmers
PS Birthal, PK Joshi, D Roy, A Thorat
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie …, 2013
Efficiency and distribution in contract farming: The case of Indian poultry growers
B Ramaswami, PS Birthal, PK Joshi
Diversification and its impact on smallholders: Evidence from a study on vegetable production
PK Joshi, L Joshi, PS Birthal
Agricultural Economics Research Review 19 (2), 219-236, 2006
Maize in India: production systems, constraints, and research priorities
PK Joshi
CIMMYT, 2005
Agricultural diversification and smallholders in South Asia
RW Cummings
Academic Foundation, 2007
Demand projections for foodgrains in India
P Kumar, PK Joshi, PS Birthal
Agricultural Economics Research Review 22 (2), 237-244, 2009
Meta-analysis to assess impact of watershed program and people's participation
PK Joshi
IWMI, 2005
Farmers’ preferences for climate-smart agriculture—An assessment in the Indo-Gangetic Plain
G Taneja, BD Pal, PK Joshi, PK Aggarwal, NK Tyagi
Climate Smart Agriculture in South Asia: Technologies, Policies and …, 2019
Does cooperative membership improve household welfare? Evidence from a panel data analysis of smallholder dairy farmers in Bihar, India
A Kumar, S Saroj, PK Joshi, H Takeshima
Food Policy 75, 24-36, 2018
Diversification towards high value agriculture: role of urbanisation and infrastructure
PP Rao, PS Birthal, PK Joshi
Economic and Political Weekly, 2747-2753, 2006
Global pulses scenario: status and outlook
PK Joshi, PP Rao
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1392 (1), 6-17, 2017
Sources of agricultural growth in India: Role of diversification towards high-value crops
PK Joshi, PS Birthal, N Minot
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2006
The state of agricultural extension reforms in India: Strategic priorities and policy options
SC Babu, PK Joshi, CJ Glendenning, AO Kwadwo, SV Rasheed
Agricultural Economics Research Review 26 (2), 159-172, 2013
Domestic fish marketing in India–changing structure, conduct, performance and policies
BG Kumar, KK Datta, PK Joshi, PK Katiha, R Suresh, T Ravisankar, ...
Agricultural Economics Research Review 21 (conf), 345-354, 2008
Adoption and diffusion of improved technologies and production practices in agriculture: Insights from a donor-led intervention in Nepal
A Kumar, H Takeshima, G Thapa, N Adhikari, S Saroj, M Karkee, PK Joshi
Land Use Policy 95, 104621, 2020
Impact of contracts in high yielding varieties seed production on profits and yield: The case of Nepal
AK Mishra, A Kumar, PK Joshi, A D'souza
Food Policy 62, 110-121, 2016
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Articles 1–20