Barry-John Theobald
Barry-John Theobald
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The painful face: Pain expression recognition using active appearance models
AB Ashraf, S Lucey, JF Cohn, T Chen, Z Ambadar, K Prkachin, P Solomon, ...
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Multimodal interfaces, 9-14, 2007
Dynamic units of visual speech
SL Taylor, M Mahler, BJ Theobald, I Matthews
Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics conference on Computer …, 2012
The challenge of multispeaker lip-reading.
SJ Cox, RW Harvey, Y Lan, JL Newman, BJ Theobald
AVSP, 179-184, 2008
Improving visual features for lip-reading
Y Lan, BJ Theobald, R Harvey, EJ Ong, R Bowden
Auditory-visual speech processing 2010, 2010
Effects of damping head movement and facial expression in dyadic conversation using real–time facial expression tracking and synthesized avatars
SM Boker, JF Cohn, BJ Theobald, I Matthews, TR Brick, JR Spies
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 364 …, 2009
Comparing visual features for lipreading.
Y Lan, RW Harvey, BJ Theobald, EJ Ong, R Bowden
AVSP 2009, 102-106, 2009
LIPS2008: Visual speech synthesis challenge
BJ Theobald, S Fagel, G Bailly, F Elisei
Interspeech 2008-9th Annual Conference of the International Speech …, 2008
Multimodal approach for avatar animation
ASEDH ABDELAZIZ, N Apostoloff, J BINDER, PR DIXON, S Kajarekar, ...
US Patent App. 16/723,866, 2021
View independent computer lip-reading
Y Lan, BJ Theobald, R Harvey
2012 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 432-437, 2012
Improving lip-reading performance for robust audiovisual speech recognition using DNNs.
K Thangthai, RW Harvey, SJ Cox, BJ Theobald
AVSP, 127-131, 2015
Evaluating error functions for robust active appearance models
BJ Theobald, I Matthews, S Baker
7th International conference on automatic face and gesture recognition …, 2006
Comparison of human and machine-based lip-reading.
S Hilder, RW Harvey, BJ Theobald
AVSP, 86-89, 2009
Mapping and manipulating facial expression
BJ Theobald, I Matthews, M Mangini, JR Spies, TR Brick, JF Cohn, ...
Language and speech 52 (2-3), 369-386, 2009
Something in the way we move: Motion dynamics, not perceived sex, influence head movements in conversation.
SM Boker, JF Cohn, BJ Theobald, I Matthews, M Mangini, JR Spies, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 37 (3), 874, 2011
Real-time expression cloning using appearance models
BJ Theobald, IA Matthews, JF Cohn, SM Boker
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on multimodal interfaces …, 2007
Near-videorealistic synthetic talking faces: Implementation and evaluation
BJ Theobald, JA Bangham, IA Matthews, GC Cawley
Speech Communication 44 (1-4), 127-140, 2004
Insights into machine lip reading
Y Lan, R Harvey, BJ Theobald
2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2012
Which phoneme-to-viseme maps best improve visual-only computer lip-reading?
HL Bear, RW Harvey, BJ Theobald, Y Lan
Advances in Visual Computing: 10th International Symposium, ISVC 2014, Las …, 2014
Modality dropout for improved performance-driven talking faces
A Hussen Abdelaziz, BJ Theobald, P Dixon, R Knothe, N Apostoloff, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction …, 2020
Visual units and confusion modelling for automatic lip-reading
D Howell, S Cox, B Theobald
Image and Vision Computing 51, 1-12, 2016
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Articles 1–20