COVAREP—A collaborative voice analysis repository for speech technologies G Degottex, J Kane, T Drugman, T Raitio, S Scherer 2014 ieee international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2014 | 872 | 2014 |
Wavelet maxima dispersion for breathy to tense voice discrimination J Kane, C Gobl IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 21 (6), 1170-1179, 2013 | 108 | 2013 |
Improved automatic detection of creak J Kane, T Drugman, C Gobl Computer Speech & Language 27 (4), 1028-1047, 2013 | 90 | 2013 |
Investigating fuzzy-input fuzzy-output support vector machines for robust voice quality classification S Scherer, J Kane, C Gobl, F Schwenker Computer Speech & Language 27 (1), 263-287, 2013 | 90 | 2013 |
Identifying regions of non-modal phonation using features of the wavelet transform. J Kane, C Gobl Interspeech, 177-180, 2011 | 90 | 2011 |
Data-driven detection and analysis of the patterns of creaky voice T Drugman, J Kane, C Gobl Computer Speech & Language 28 (5), 1233-1253, 2014 | 81 | 2014 |
Evaluation of glottal closure instant detection in a range of voice qualities J Kane, C Gobl Speech Communication 55 (2), 295-314, 2013 | 63 | 2013 |
An audiovisual political speech analysis incorporating eye-tracking and perception data. S Scherer, G Layher, J Kane, H Neumann, N Campbell LREC, 1114-1120, 2012 | 61 | 2012 |
Gender De-Biasing in Speech Emotion Recognition. C Gorrostieta, R Lotfian, K Taylor, R Brutti, J Kane Interspeech, 2823-2827, 2019 | 50 | 2019 |
Voice source modelling using deep neural networks for statistical parametric speech synthesis T Raitio, H Lu, J Kane, A Suni, M Vainio, S King, P Alku 2014 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2290-2294, 2014 | 40 | 2014 |
HMM-based synthesis of creaky voice. T Raitio, J Kane, T Drugman, C Gobl Interspeech, 2316-2320, 2013 | 35 | 2013 |
Modeling the creaky excitation for parametric speech synthesis. T Drugman, J Kane, C Gobl Interspeech, 1424-1427, 2012 | 35 | 2012 |
Automating manual user strategies for precise voice source analysis J Kane, C Gobl Speech Communication 55 (3), 397-414, 2013 | 29 | 2013 |
The voice prominence hypothesis: the interplay of F0 and voice source features in accentuation. AN Chasaide, I Yanushevskaya, J Kane, C Gobl INTERSPEECH, 3527-3531, 2013 | 29 | 2013 |
Resonator-based creaky voice detection. T Drugman, J Kane, C Gobl Interspeech, 1592-1595, 2012 | 27 | 2012 |
Detecting a targeted voice style in an audiobook using voice quality features E Székely, J Kane, S Scherer, C Gobl, J Carson-Berndsen 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2012 | 26 | 2012 |
A comparative study of glottal open quotient estimation techniques J Kane, S Scherer, LP Morency, C Gobl Proc. Interspeech 2013, 1658-1662, 2013 | 23 | 2013 |
Speaker and language independent voice quality classification applied to unlabelled corpora of expressive speech J Kane, S Scherer, M Aylett, LP Morency, C Gobl 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2013 | 22 | 2013 |
An exploration of voice source correlates of focus. I Yanushevskaya, C Gobl, J Kane, AN Chasaide Interspeech, 462-465, 2010 | 22 | 2010 |
A spectral LF model based approach to voice source parameterisation J Kane, M Kane, C Gobl Eleventh Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2010 | 21 | 2010 |