Rediscovering the social group: A self-categorization theory. DR Maines American Journal of Sociology 94 (6), 1514-1516, 1989 | 21771 | 1989 |
Social identifications: A social psychology of intergroup relations and group processes D Abrams, MA Hogg Routledge, 2006 | 7902 | 2006 |
Social identity processes in organizational contexts MA Hogg, DJ Terry Psychology Press, 2014 | 7043 | 2014 |
A tale of two theories: A critical comparison of identity theory with social identity theory MA Hogg, DJ Terry, KM White Social psychology quarterly, 255-269, 1995 | 4738 | 1995 |
A social identity theory of leadership MA Hogg Personality and social psychology review 5 (3), 184-200, 2001 | 3708 | 2001 |
Social identity theory MA Hogg Understanding peace and conflict through social identity theory …, 2016 | 3316 | 2016 |
Social identity theory: Constructive and critical advances. DE Abrams, MA Hogg Springer-Verlag Publishing, 1990 | 2833* | 1990 |
Social identity, self-categorization, and the communication of group norms MA Hogg, SA Reid Communication theory 16 (1), 7-30, 2006 | 2212 | 2006 |
Comments on the motivational status of self‐esteem in social identity and intergroup discrimination D Abrams, MA Hogg European journal of social psychology 18 (4), 317-334, 1988 | 2158 | 1988 |
Group norms and the attitude-behavior relationship: A role for group identification DJ Terry, MA Hogg Personality and social psychology bulletin 22 (8), 776-793, 1996 | 2153 | 1996 |
The theory of planned behaviour: self‐identity, social identity and group norms DJ Terry, MA Hogg, KM White British journal of social psychology 38 (3), 225-244, 1999 | 1962 | 1999 |
The social psychology of group cohesiveness: From attraction to social identity MA Hogg Harvester Wheat sheaf, 1992 | 1926 | 1992 |
Subjective uncertainty reduction through self-categorization: A motivational theory of social identity processes MA Hogg European review of social psychology 11 (1), 223-255, 2000 | 1765 | 2000 |
Uncertainty–identity theory MA Hogg Advances in experimental social psychology 39, 69-126, 2007 | 1667 | 2007 |
Leadership, self, and identity: A review and research agenda D Van Knippenberg, B Van Knippenberg, D De Cremer, MA Hogg The Leadership Quarterly 15 (6), 825-856, 2004 | 1411 | 2004 |
The social identity perspective: Intergroup relations, self-conception, and small groups MA Hogg, D Abrams, S Otten, S Hinkle Small group research 35 (3), 246-276, 2004 | 1335 | 2004 |
Knowing what to think by knowing who you are: Self‐categorization and the nature of norm formation, conformity and group polarization D Abrams, M Wetherell, S Cochrane, MA Hogg, JC Turner British journal of social psychology 29 (2), 97-119, 1990 | 1312 | 1990 |
Which hat to wear?: The relative salience of multiple identities in organizational contexts BE Ashforth, SA Johnson Social identity processes in organizational contexts, 31-48, 2014 | 1230 | 2014 |
A social identity model of leadership effectiveness in organizations D Van Knippenberg, MA Hogg Research in organizational behavior 25, 243-295, 2003 | 1200 | 2003 |
Assimilation and diversity: An integrative model of subgroup relations MJ Hornsey, MA Hogg Personality and Social Psychology Review 4 (2), 143-156, 2000 | 1156 | 2000 |