Bambang K Hadi
Bambang K Hadi
Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung
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Mekanika struktur komposit
BK Hadi
ITB Bandung, 2000
Development of Benson–Mayers theory on the wrinkling of anisotropic sandwich panels
BK Hadi, FL Matthews
Composite Structures 49 (4), 425-434, 2000
Wrinkling of sandwich column: comparison between finite element analysis and analytical solutions
BK Hadi
Composite Structures 53 (4), 477-482, 2001
Predicting the buckling load of anisotropic sandwich panels: an approach including shear deformation of the faces
BK Hadi, FL Matthews
Composite Structures 42 (3), 245-255, 1998
Experimentation and numerical modeling on the response of woven glass/epoxy composite plate under blast impact loading
K Gunaryo, H Heriana, MR Sitompul, A Kuswoyo, BK Hadi
International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering 15, 1-9, 2020
Composite based lightweight structure design for crash and safety application
FR Fauzi, BK Hadi, SP Santosa, A Jusuf
2018 5th International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology (ICEVT …, 2018
Comparison analysis of abaca fiber/polyester and abaca-e-glass/polyester hybrid composites to impact strength and its application to ballistic
L Banowati, P Sari, BK Hadi
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 1173 (1), 012068, 2021
Analisis kekuatan tarik komposit serat bambu laminat helai dan wooven yang dibuat dengan metode manufaktur hand lay-up
AAE Ifannossa, BK Hadi, M Kusni
Seminar Nasional Tahunan Teknik Mesin (SNTTM) ke‐9 Palembang, 2010
The effect of low-velocity impact on the flexural strength of E-glass/epoxy composite plates
PX Quang, S Wicaksono, T Dirgantara, BK Hadi
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 34, 1879-1886, 2020
Buckling of anisotropic sandwich panels containing holes: Part I–overall buckling
BK Hadi, FL Matthews
Composite structures 52 (2), 205-216, 2001
Experimental flatwise tensile strength dataset of carbon fibre reinforced plastic sandwich panels with different core material preparations
D Widagdo, A Kuswoyo, TO Nurpratama, BK Hadi
Data in brief 28, 105055, 2020
Buckling of anisotropic sandwich panels containing holes: Part II–wrinkling
BK Hadi, FL Matthews
Composite structures 54 (1), 103-109, 2001
Buckling of anisotropic sandwich panels with and without holes.
BK Hadi
Imperial College London (University of London), 1995
Mechanical Properties of Natural Bamboo Due to Tensile and Compression Loadings
BK Hadi, A Subadra, A Kuswoyo
Key Engineering Materials 775, 576-581, 2018
Application of Genetic Algorithm for the Design Optimization of Geodesic Beam Structure
IGN Sudira, BK Hadi, MA Moelyadi, D Widagdo
Applied Mechanics and Materials 842, 266-272, 2016
Modeling of single-lap joints with auxetic adhesive utilizing homogeneous and heterogeneous bondline microstructures
CP Puspaningtyas, A Jusuf, BK Hadi, A Yudhanto
Heliyon 10 (2), 2024
Experimental tensile strength analysis of woven-glass/epoxy composite plates with central circular hole
B K. Hadi, B K. Rofa
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1005 (1), 012001, 2018
The Design of a High Aspect Ratio HALE Aircraft Composite Wing. Part II: Buckling and Flutter Speed Analysis
BK Hadi, I Permana
Journal of Mechanical Engineering 12 (2), 13 - 26, 2015
PN-336 Mekanika Struktur Komposit
BK Hadi, C Kuliah
Bandung: ITB, 2000
Simple precipitation method to reduce the particle size of glutinous rice flour: physicochemical evaluation
V Takarini, LATW Asri, N Djustiana, BK Hadi
Materials Research Express 9 (2), 025301, 2022
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Articles 1–20