Errors and violations on the roads: a real distinction? J Reason, A Manstead, S Stradling, J Baxter, K Campbell Ergonomics 33 (10-11), 1315-1332, 1990 | 2778 | 1990 |
Guilty by association: When one's group has a negative history. B Doosje, NR Branscombe, R Spears, ASR Manstead Journal of personality and social psychology 75 (4), 872, 1998 | 1503 | 1998 |
The interpersonal effects of anger and happiness in negotiations. GA Van Kleef, CKW De Dreu, ASR Manstead Journal of personality and social psychology 86 (1), 57, 2004 | 1283 | 2004 |
Driving errors, driving violations and accident involvement D Parker, JT Reason, ASR Manstead, SG Stradling Ergonomics 38 (5), 1036-1048, 1995 | 1226 | 1995 |
The psychology of social class: How socioeconomic status impacts thought, feelings, and behaviour ASR Manstead British Journal of Social Psychology 57 (2), 267-291, 2018 | 1036 | 2018 |
Emotion in social relations: Cultural, group, and interpersonal processes B Parkinson, AH Fischer, ASR Manstead Psychology press, 2005 | 991 | 2005 |
Intention to commit driving violations: An application of the theory of planned behavior. D Parker, ASR Manstead, SG Stradling, JT Reason, JS Baxter Journal of applied psychology 77 (1), 94, 1992 | 939 | 1992 |
Extending the theory of planned behaviour: The role of personal norm D Parker, ASR Manstead, SG Stradling British journal of social psychology 34 (2), 127-138, 1995 | 894 | 1995 |
The interpersonal effects of emotions in negotiations: a motivated information processing approach. GA Van Kleef, CKW De Dreu, ASR Manstead Journal of personality and social psychology 87 (4), 510, 2004 | 847 | 2004 |
Social functions of emotion AH Fischer, ASR Manstead Handbook of emotions 3, 456-468, 2008 | 839 | 2008 |
Gender and culture differences in emotion. AH Fischer, PM Rodriguez Mosquera, AEM Van Vianen, ASR Manstead Emotion 4 (1), 87, 2004 | 793 | 2004 |
An interpersonal approach to emotion in social decision making: The emotions as social information model GA Van Kleef, CKW De Dreu, ASR Manstead Advances in experimental social psychology 42, 45-96, 2010 | 789 | 2010 |
The role of affect in predicting social behaviors: The case of road traffic violations R Lawton, D Parker, ASR Manstead, SG Stradling Journal of applied social psychology 27 (14), 1258-1276, 1997 | 751 | 1997 |
On bad decisions and disconfirmed expectancies: The psychology of regret and disappointment M Zeelenberg, WW Van Dijk, ASR Manstead, J vanr de Pligt Cognition & Emotion 14 (4), 521-541, 2000 | 748 | 2000 |
Impression management versus intrapsychic explanations in social psychology: A useful dichotomy? PE Tetlock, AS Manstead Psychological review 92 (1), 59, 1985 | 743 | 1985 |
Intergroup norms and intergroup discrimination: distinctive self-categorization and social identity effects. J Jetten, R Spears, ASR Manstead Journal of personality and social psychology 71 (6), 1222, 1996 | 677 | 1996 |
Predicting and understanding mothers' infant-feeding intentions and behavior: testing the theory of reasoned action. AS Manstead, C Proffitt, JL Smart Journal of personality and social psychology 44 (4), 657, 1983 | 635 | 1983 |
The accountability of conduct: A social psychological analysis GR Semin, ASR Manstead (No Title), 1983 | 630 | 1983 |
Facial dynamics as indicators of trustworthiness and cooperative behavior. E Krumhuber, ASR Manstead, D Cosker, D Marshall, PL Rosin, A Kappas Emotion 7 (4), 730, 2007 | 616 | 2007 |
The role of moral norm in the attitude-behavior relation ASR Manstead Attitudes, behavior, and social context, 11-30, 1999 | 612 | 1999 |