Donald O. Case
Donald O. Case
Professor Emeritus, Information Sciences, University of Kentucky
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Cited by
Looking for Information. A Survey of Research on Information Seeking, Needs and Behavior
D Case
Elsevier, 2007
Avoiding versus seeking: the relationship of information seeking to avoidance, blunting, coping, dissonance, and related concepts
DO Case, JE Andrews, JD Johnson, SL Allard
Journal of the Medical Library Association 93 (3), 353, 2005
How can we investigate citation behavior? A study of reasons for citing literature in communication
DO Case, GM Higgins
Journal of the American Society for Information Science 51 (7), 635-645, 2000
Electronic message systems in the university: A description of use and utility.
RE Rice, D Case
Journal of communication, 1983
Health information seeking
JD Johnson, DO Case
Peter Lang, 2012
Scholarly communication and bibliometrics
CL Borgman, BC Griffith, D Case
Sage, 1990
Information behavior
DO Case
Annual review of information science and technology 40 (1), 293-327, 2006
The collection and use of information by some American historians: A study of motives and methods
DO Case
The Library Quarterly 61 (1), 61-82, 1991
From two‐step flow to the Internet: The changing array of sources for genetics information seeking
DO Case, JD Johnson, JE Andrews, SL Allard, KM Kelly
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 55 (8 …, 2004
The role of information avoidance in everyday‐life information behaviors
B Narayan, DO Case, SL Edwards
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology …, 2011
Conceptual organization and retrieval of text by historians: The role of memory and metaphor
DO Case
Journal of the American Society for Information Science 42 (9), 657-668, 1991
Fields and pathways: Contrasting or complementary views of information seeking
JDE Johnson, DO Case, J Andrews, SL Allard, NE Johnson
Information processing & management 42 (2), 569-582, 2006
Principle of least effort
DO Case
K. Fisher, S. Erdelez & L. McKechnie (Eds.) Theories of information behavior …, 2005
Collection and organization of written information by social scientists and humanists: a review and exploratory study
DO Case
Journal of information science 12 (3), 97-104, 1986
Serial collecting as leisure, and coin collecting in particular
DO Case
Library Trends 57 (4), 729-752, 2009
Looking for information: A survey of research on information seeking
DO Case, LM Given
Needs, and behavior 4, 2002
Computer-based messaging in the university: A description of use and utility
RE Rice, D Case
Journal of Communication 33 (1), 131-152, 1983
Genomics—the perfect information–seeking research problem
JD Johnson, DO Case, JE Andrews, SL Allard
Journal of Health Communication 10 (4), 323-329, 2005
Processing professorial words: Personal computers and the writing habits of university professors
DP Case
College Composition & Communication 36 (3), 317-322, 1985
What's the use? Measuring the frequency of studies of information outcomes
DO Case, LG O'Connor
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 67 (3 …, 2016
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Articles 1–20