Irtiza Hasan
Irtiza Hasan
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Transformer networks for trajectory forecasting
F Giuliari, I Hasan, M Cristani, F Galasso
2020 25th international conference on pattern recognition (ICPR), 10335-10342, 2021
Generalizable pedestrian detection: The elephant in the room
I Hasan, S Liao, J Li, SU Akram, L Shao
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
MX-LSTM: mixing tracklets and vislets to jointly forecast trajectories and head poses
I Hasan, F Setti, T Tsesmelis, A Del Bue, F Galasso, M Cristani
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2018 (CVPR), 2018
Center and Scale Prediction: Anchor-free Approach for Pedestrian and Face Detection
W Liu, I Hasan, S Liao
Pattern Recognition, 2023, 2019
Forecasting people trajectories and head poses by jointly reasoning on tracklets and vislets
I Hasan, F Setti, T Tsesmelis, V Belagiannis, S Amin, A Del Bue, ...
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 43 (4), 1267-1278, 2019
Pedestrian detection: Domain generalization, cnns, transformers and beyond
I Hasan, S Liao, J Li, SU Akram, L Shao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.03176, 2022
" seeing is believing": Pedestrian trajectory forecasting using visual frustum of attention
I Hasan, F Setti, T Tsesmelis, A Del Bue, M Cristani, F Galasso
2018 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 1178-1185, 2018
Under the hood of transformer networks for trajectory forecasting
L Franco, L Placidi, F Giuliari, I Hasan, M Cristani, F Galasso
Pattern Recognition 138, 109372, 2023
RGBD2lux: Dense light intensity estimation with an RGBD sensor
T Tsesmelis, I Hasan, M Cristani, F Galasso, A Del Bue
2019 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 501-510, 2019
Tiny head pose classification by bodily cues
I Hasan, T Tsesmelis, F Galasso, A Del Bue, M Cristani
2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2662-2666, 2017
An integrated light management system with real-time light measurement and human perception
T Tsesmelis, I Hasan, M Cristani, AD Bue, F Galasso
Lighting Research & Technology 53 (1), 74-88, 2021
Human-centric light sensing and estimation from RGBD images: The invisible light switch
T Tsesmelis, I Hasan, M Cristani, A Del Bue, F Galasso
2019 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 416-425, 2019
Data-Efficient Training of CNNs and Transformers with Coresets: A Stability Perspective
A Gupta, I Hasan, DK Prasad, DK Gupta
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.02095, 2023
Method of identifying light sources and a corresponding system and product
M Cristani, A Del Bue, M Eschey, F Galasso, I Hasan, H Kaestle, ...
US Patent 10,893,594, 2021
LIT: A system and benchmark for light understanding
T Tsesmelis, I Hasan, M Cristani, A Del Bue, F Galasso
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2017
“Don’t Turn Off the Lights”: Modelling of Human Light Interaction in Indoor Environments
I Hasan, T Tsesmelis, A Del Bue, F Galasso, M Cristani
New Trends in Image Analysis and Processing–ICIAP 2017: ICIAP International …, 2017
A method of measuring illumination, corresponding system, computer program product and use
T Tsesmelis, I Hasan, F Galasso, H Kaestle, A Del Bue, M Cristani
US Patent App. 17/055,134, 2021
Benchmark evaluation of object segmentation proposal
I Hasan
I. Hasan, 2015
Method of view frustum detection and a corresponding system and product
M Cristani, A Del Bue, M Eschey, F Galasso, I Hasan, H Kaestle, F Setti, ...
US Patent 11,175,733, 2021
Head Pose Estimation and Trajectory Forecasting
I Hasan
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Articles 1–20