Jörg Verstraete
Jörg Verstraete
Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
Geverifieerd e-mailadres voor ibspan.waw.pl
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Field based methods for the modeling of fuzzy spatial data
J Verstraete, G De Tré, R De Caluwe, A Hallez
Fuzzy Modeling with Spatial Information for Geographic Problems, 41-69, 2005
Fuzzy regions: theory and applications
J Verstraete, A Hallez, G De Tré
Geographic uncertainty in environmental security, 1-17, 2007
The spatial disaggregation problem: simulating reasoning using a fuzzy inference system
J Verstraete
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 25 (3), 627-641, 2016
Bitmap based structures for the modeling of fuzzy entities
J Verstraete, G De Tré, A Hallez
Control and Cybernetics 35 (1), 147-164, 2006
Solving the map overlay problem with a fuzzy approach
J Verstraete
Uncertainties in Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Expanding Our Perspective, 141-154, 2015
Application of fuzzy quantifiers on possibilistic truth values
A Hallez, G De Tré, J Verstraete, T Matthé
Proc. of EUROFUSE EURO WG on Fuzzy Sets, 252-254, 2004
Conjunctive aggregation of extended possibilistic truth values and flexible database querying
G De Tré, R De Caluwe, J Verstraete, A Hallez
Flexible Query Answering Systems: 5th International Conference, FQAS 2002 …, 2002
Assigning membership degrees to points of fuzzy boundaries
J Verstraete, B Van Der Cruyssen, R De Caluwe
PeachFuzz 2000. 19th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy …, 2000
Similarity between multi-valued thesaurus attributes: Theory and application in multimedia systems
T Matthé, R De Caluwe, G De Tré, A Hallez, J Verstraete, M Leman, ...
Flexible Query Answering Systems: 7th International Conference, FQAS 2006 …, 2006
Adapting TIN layers to represent fuzzy geographic information
J Verstraete, G De Tré, A Hallez
7th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Fuzzy Sets: workshop on information …, 2002
Solving the general map overlay problem using a fuzzy inference system designed for spatial disaggregation
J Verstraete
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 24 (6), 1101-1122, 2019
Using level-2 fuzzy sets to combine uncertainty and imprecision in fuzzy regions
J Verstraete
Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering–3, 163-172, 2011
Contourline based modelling of vague regions
A Hallez, J Verstraete, G De Tré, R De Caluwe
9th International conference on Information Processing and Management of …, 2002
Using tin-based structures for the modelling of fuzzy gis objects in a database
J Verstraete, G De Tré, A Hallez, R De Caluwe
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems …, 2007
Fuzzy regions: interpretations of surface area and distance
J Verstraete
Control and Cybernetics 38 (2), 509-526, 2009
Beyond conjunctive aggregation of possibilistic truth values in database systems
G De Tré, A Hallez, J Verstraete, A Verkeyn
7th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Fuzzy Sets: workshop on information …, 2002
Dealing with rounding errors in geometry processing
J Verstraete
Flexible Query Answering Systems 2015: Proceedings of the 11th International …, 2016
Compliance for uncertain inventories via probabilistic/fuzzy comparison of alternatives
O Hryniewicz, Z Nahorski, J Verstraete, J Horabik, M Jonas
Uncertainties in Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Expanding Our Perspective, 69-84, 2015
Implementable representations of level-2 fuzzy regions for use in databases and GIS
J Verstraete
International Conference on Information Processing and Management of …, 2012
A quantitative approach to topology for fuzzy regions
J Verstraete
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 10th International Conference …, 2010
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