Kathryn L Heinze
Kathryn L Heinze
Sport Management, University of Michigan
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Forage for thought: Mobilizing codes in the movement for grass-fed meat and dairy products
K Weber, KL Heinze, M DeSoucey
Administrative science quarterly 53 (3), 529-567, 2008
Corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability: Why professional sport is greening the playing field
S Trendafilova, K Babiak, K Heinze
Sport management review 16 (3), 298-313, 2013
Toward organizational pluralism: Institutional intrapreneurship in integrative medicine
KL Heinze, K Weber
Organization Science 27 (1), 157-172, 2016
Toward strategic and authentic corporate social responsibility in professional sport: A case study of the Detroit Lions
KL Heinze, S Soderstrom, J Zdroik
Journal of Sport Management 28 (6), 672-686, 2014
Playing multiple positions: Student-athlete identity salience and conflict
L Di Lu, KL Heinze, S Soderstrom
Journal of Intercollegiate Sport 11 (2), 214-241, 2018
Individual innovation adoption and the role of organizational culture
KL Heinze, JE Heinze
Review of Managerial Science 14 (3), 561-586, 2020
From cultural repertoires to institutional logics: A content-analytic method
K Weber, H Patel, KL Heinze
Institutional logics in action, Part B, 351-382, 2013
Translating institutional change to local communities: The role of linking organizations
KL Heinze, S Soderstrom, JE Heinze
Organization Studies 37 (8), 1141-1169, 2016
Social entrepreneurship in communities: Examining the collaborative processes of health conversion foundations
KL Heinze, J Banaszak‐Holl, K Babiak
Nonprofit Management and Leadership 26 (3), 313-330, 2016
Shifting responses to institutional change: The National Football League and player concussions
KL Heinze, D Lu
Journal of Sport Management 31 (5), 497-513, 2017
Gender role beliefs and parents’ support for athletic participation
JE Heinze, KL Heinze, MM Davis, AT Butchart, DC Singer, SJ Clark
Youth & society 49 (5), 634-657, 2017
From paradoxical thinking to practicing sustainable business: The role of a business collective organization in supporting entrepreneurs
SB Soderstrom, KL Heinze
Organization & Environment 34 (1), 74-98, 2021
Do the leading children's hospitals have quality web sites? A description of children's hospital web sites
T Kind, KL Wheeler, B Robinson, MD Cabana
Journal of Medical Internet Research 6 (2), e45, 2004
Warmth, competence, and willingness to donate: how perceptions of partner organizations affect support of corporate social responsibility initiatives in professional sport
SP Lee, K Heinze, LD Lu
Journal of Sport and Social Issues 42 (1), 23-48, 2018
Examining institutional entrepreneurship in the passage of youth sport concussion legislation
L Di Lu, KL Heinze
Journal of sport management 35 (1), 1-16, 2020
Sport policy institutionalization: Examining the adoption of concussion legislation across states
L Di Lu, KL Heinze
Journal of Sport Management 33 (6), 493-505, 2019
School board decision-making and the elimination of sport participation fees
KL Heinze, J Zdroik
Sport, Education and Society 23 (1), 53-67, 2018
Management concepts and practice in sport organizations
K Babiak, L Thibault, J Quarterman
Contemporary sport management, 82-109, 2014
In the Mood to Give: How and Why Positive Affect Increases the Importance of CSR to Prospective Employees
KL Heinze
Northwestern University 52, 2005
Sport venue sustainability: the role of local context and stakeholder engagement
KL Heinze, S Soderstrom
Routledge handbook of sport and the environment, 267-277, 2017
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Articles 1–20