Horst Raff
Horst Raff
Professor of Economics, Kiel University
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The choice of market entry mode: Greenfield investment, M&A and joint venture
H Raff, M Ryan, F Stähler
International review of economics & finance 18 (1), 3-10, 2009
Innovation and trade with heterogeneous firms
N Van Long, H Raff, F Stähler
Journal of International Economics 84 (2), 149-159, 2011
Issue-by-issue negotiations: the role of information and time preference
M Bac, H Raff
Games and Economic Behavior 13 (1), 125-134, 1996
Preferential trade agreements and tax competition for foreign direct investment
H Raff
Journal of Public Economics 88 (12), 2745-2763, 2004
Firm productivity and the foreign‐market entry decision
H Raff, M Ryan, F Stähler
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 21 (3), 849-871, 2012
Foreign direct investment in producer services: Theory and empirical evidence
H Raff, M Von der Ruhr
Available at SSRN 289083, 2001
Tax incentives for import-substituting foreign investment:: Does signaling play a role?
H Raff, K Srinivasan
Journal of Public Economics 67 (2), 167-193, 1998
Income redistribution with well-informed local governments
H Raff, JD Wilson
International Tax and Public Finance 4, 407-427, 1997
Why parallel trade may raise producers' profits
H Raff, N Schmitt
Journal of International Economics 71 (2), 434-447, 2007
Buyer power in international markets
H Raff, N Schmitt
Journal of International Economics 79 (2), 222-229, 2009
Tax rate and tax base competition for foreign direct investment
P Egger, H Raff
International tax and public finance 22, 777-810, 2015
Whole vs. shared ownership of foreign affiliates
H Raff, M Ryan, F Stähler
International Journal of Industrial Organization 27 (5), 572-581, 2009
Cross‐border and foreign affiliate sales of services: Evidence from German microdata
M Kelle, J Kleinert, H Raff, F Toubal
The World Economy 36 (11), 1373-1392, 2013
Optimal export policy in the presence of informational barriers to entry and imperfect competition
H Raff, YH Kim
Journal of International Economics 49 (1), 99-123, 1999
Imports and the structure of retail markets
H Raff, N Schmitt
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 45 (4), 1431-1455, 2012
A model of expropriation with asymmetric information
H Raff
Journal of International Economics 33 (3-4), 245-265, 1992
Greasing the wheels of international commerce: how services facilitate firms’ international sourcing
P Debaere, H Görg, H Raff
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 46 (1), 78-102, 2013
Endogenous vertical restraints in international trade
H Raff, N Schmitt
European Economic Review 49 (7), 1877-1889, 2005
Inter-and intra-sectoral linkages in foreign direct investment: evidence from Japanese investment in Europe
DM Gross, H Raff, M Ryan
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 19 (1), 110-134, 2005
Foreign ownership and the extensive margins of exports: evidence for manufacturing enterprises in Germany
H Raff, J Wagner
The World Economy 37 (5), 579-591, 2014
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