Ellen Vandervieren
Cited by
Cited by
An adjusted boxplot for skewed distributions
M Hubert, E Vandervieren
Computational statistics & data analysis 52 (12), 5186-5201, 2008
Distance mathematics teaching in Flanders, Germany, and the Netherlands during COVID-19 lockdown
P Drijvers, D Thurm, E Vandervieren, M Klinger, F Moons, H van der Ree, ...
Educational Studies in Mathematics 108 (1), 35-64, 2021
Merging flipped classroom approaches with the 5E inquiry model: a design heuristic
S Schallert, Z Lavicza, E Vandervieren
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 53 …, 2022
Towards inquiry-based flipped classroom scenarios: A design heuristic and principles for lesson planning
S Schallert, Z Lavicza, E Vandervieren
International journal of science and mathematics education, 1-21, 2021
A Stahel–Donoho estimator based on huberized outlyingness
S Van Aelst, E Vandervieren, G Willems
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 56 (3), 531-542, 2012
Stahel-Donoho estimators with cellwise weights
S Van Aelst, E Vandervieren, G Willems
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 81 (1), 1-27, 2011
Does integrating natural selection throughout upper secondary biology education result in a better understanding? A cross-national comparison between Flanders, Belgium and the …
R Pinxten, E Vandervieren, P Janssenswillen
International Journal of Science Education 42 (10), 1609-1634, 2020
Atomic, reusable feedback: a semi-automated solution for assessing handwritten tasks? A crossover experiment with mathematics teachers.
F Moons, E Vandervieren, J Colpaert
Computers and Education Open 3, 100086, 2022
Measuring agreement among several raters classifying subjects into one-or-more (hierarchical) nominal categories. A generalisation of Fleiss' kappa
F Moons, E Vandervieren
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.12502, 2023
Facing social reality together: investigating a pre-service teacher preparation programme on inclusive education
E Vandervieren, E Struyf
International Journal of Inclusive Education 25 (13), 1524-1539, 2021
Let's team up! Measuring student teachers' perceptions of team teaching experiences
L De Backer, M Simons, W Schelfhout, E Vandervieren
Teacher education: new perspectives/Kayapinar, Ulas [edit.], 1-22, 2021
An adjusted boxplot for skewed distributions
M Hubert, E Vandervieren
Section of Statistics, 1-10, 2006
Factors determining young adults' appreciation of reading poetry
J Casteleyn, E Vandervieren
L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature 18, 1-24, 2018
Distance mathematics education in Flanders, Germany, and the Netherlands during the COVID 19 lockdown—the student perspective
D Thurm, E Vandervieren, F Moons, P Drijvers, B Barzel, M Klinger, ...
ZDM–Mathematics Education 55 (1), 79-93, 2023
Student teachers’ peer team teaching experiences from a quantitative perspective: Perceptions, profiles and transition probabilities
L De Backer, W Schelfhout, M Simons, E Vandervieren
Teaching and Teacher Education 135, 104361, 2023
Robust principal component analysis based on pairwise correlation estimators
S Van Aelst, E Vandervieren, G Willems
Proceedings of COMPSTAT'2010: 19th International Conference on Computational …, 2010
Impact of Team Teaching on Student Teachers’ Professional Identity: A Bayesian Approach
L De Backer, W Schelfhout, M Simons, E Vandervieren, J Rivera Espejo
Education Sciences 13 (11), 1087, 2023
Handwritten math exams with multiple assessors: researching the added value of semi-automated assessment with atomic feedback
F Moons, E Vandervieren
Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics …, 2022
Flexibel lesgeven: leidraad voor het inzetten en ontwikkelen van lerarencompetenties in het lager onderwijs
E Struyf, A Van Mieghem, M Simons, E Vandervieren, J Casteleyn, ...
Checkbox grading of handwritten mathematics exams with multiple assessors: how do students react to the resulting atomic feedback? A mixed-method study
F Moons, P Iannone, E Vandervieren
ZDM–Mathematics Education, 1-17, 2024
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Articles 1–20