Noémi Gonda
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Re-politicizing the gender and climate change debate: The potential of feminist political ecology to engage with power in action in adaptation policies and projects in Nicaragua
N Gonda
Geoforum 106, 87-96, 2019
Affective adaptation= effective transformation? Shifting the politics of climate change adaptation and transformation from the status quo
AJ Nightingale, N Gonda, SH Eriksen
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 13 (1), e740, 2022
Climate change,“technology” and gender:“Adapting women” to climate change with cooking stoves and water reservoirs
N Gonda
Gender, Technology and Development 20 (2), 149-168, 2016
Land grabbing and the making of an authoritarian populist regime in Hungary
N Gonda
Critical Agrarian Studies 46 (3), 606-625, 2019
Revealing the patriarchal sides of climate change adaptation through intersectionality: A case study from Nicaragua
N Gonda
Understanding climate change through gender relations, 173-189, 2017
Power in resilience and resilience's power in climate change scholarship
A Garcia, N Gonda, E Atkins, NJ Godden, KP Henrique, M Parsons, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 13 (3), e762, 2022
Prevención y resolución de conflictos en torno a la tierra y los recursos naturales: manual práctico de mapeo comunitario y uso de GPS para organizaciones locales de desarrollo
N Gonda, D Pommier
Unión Europea. Managua 90, 2004
Critical Reflexivity in Political Ecology Research: How can the Covid-19 Pandemic Transform us Into Better Researchers?
N Gonda, S Leder, M González-Hidalgo, L Chiwona-Karltun, ...
Frontiers in Human Dynamics 3, 652968, 2021
Transforming environmental governance: critical action intellectuals and their praxis in the field
H Ojha, AJ Nightingale, N Gonda, BO Muok, S Eriksen, D Khatri, D Paudel
Sustainability Science 17 (2), 621-635, 2022
Rural Masculinities in Tension: Barriers to Climate Change Adaptation in Nicaragua
N Gonda
Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society 2017 (4), 69-76, 2017
Resilience and conflict: rethinking climate resilience through Indigenous territorial struggles
N Gonda, S Flores, JJ Casolo, AJ Nightingale
The Journal of Peasant Studies 50 (6), 2312-2338, 2023
Methodological lessons for negotiating power, political capabilities, and resilience in research on climate change responses
P Tschakert, M Parsons, E Atkins, A Garcia, N Godden, N Gonda, ...
World Development 167, 106247, 2023
Contradictory populist ecologies: Pro-peasant propaganda and land grabbing in rural Hungary
PJ Bori, N Gonda
Political Geography 95, 102583, 2022
Re-negotiating rural masculinities as vulnerability: Cattle ranchers in climate change affected rural Nicaragua
N Gonda
Men, Masculinities, and Earth: Contending with the (m) Anthropocene, 289-307, 2021
Género y Adaptación al Cambio Climático
N Gonda
Agrónomos y veterinarios sin fronteras: Managua, 2014
Exploring the Love Triangle of Authoritarianism, Populism, and COVID-19 Through Political Ecology: Time for a Break-Up?
N Gonda, JP Prado Córdova, F Huybrechs, GT Van Hecken
Frontiers in Human Dynamics 4, 653990, 2022
Liberalization of ownership versus indigenous territories in the North of Nicaragua: The case of the Chorotegas
D Monachon, N Gonda
AVSF/CISEPA contribution to ILC Collaborative Research Project on Commercial …, 2011
Liberalización de la propiedad versus territorios indígenas en el norte de Nicaragua: el caso de los chorotegas
D Monachon, N Gonda
Coalición Internacional para el Acceso a la Tierra: Roma, Italia, 2011
Prevención y resolución de conflictos entorno a la tierra y los recursos naturales
N Gonda
FAO, 2009
Herramientas para la Gestión Social del Territorio y de los Recursos Naturales: Metodologia Participativa para Construir una Maqueta de su Territorio.[Tools for the social …
N Gonda, D Pommier
Nicaragua, AVSF 57, 2008
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