Benjamin K. Johnson
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Cited by
Implications of pro-and counterattitudinal information exposure for affective polarization
RK Garrett, SD Gvirsman, BK Johnson, Y Tsfati, R Neo, A Dal
Human communication research 40 (3), 309-332, 2014
Temporarily expanding the boundaries of the self: Motivations for entering the story world and implications for narrative effects
MD Slater, BK Johnson, J Cohen, MLG Comello, DR Ewoldsen
Journal of Communication 64 (3), 439-455, 2014
Confirmation bias in online searches: Impacts of selective exposure before an election on political attitude strength and shifts
S Knobloch-Westerwick, BK Johnson, A Westerwick
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 20 (2), 171-187, 2015
An agenda for open science in communication
T Dienlin, N Johannes, ND Bowman, PK Masur, S Engesser, AS Kümpel, ...
Journal of Communication 71 (1), 1-26, 2021
Media for coping during COVID-19 social distancing: Stress, anxiety, and psychological well-being
AL Eden, BK Johnson, L Reinecke, SM Grady
Frontiers in psychology 11, 577639, 2020
Confirmation biases in selective exposure to political online information: Source bias vs. content bias
A Westerwick, BK Johnson, S Knobloch-Westerwick
Communication Monographs 84 (3), 343-364, 2017
Glancing up or down: Mood management and selective social comparisons on social networking sites
BK Johnson, S Knobloch-Westerwick
Computers in Human Behavior 41, 33-39, 2014
Political online information searching in Germany and the United States: Confirmation bias, source credibility, and attitude impacts
S Knobloch-Westerwick, C Mothes, BK Johnson, A Westerwick, ...
Journal of Communication 65 (3), 489-511, 2015
Social comparison and envy on social media: A critical review
A Meier, BK Johnson
Current opinion in psychology 45, 101302, 2022
Looking the part” and “staying true”: Balancing impression management on Facebook
JE Rosenbaum, BK Johnson, PA Stepman, KCM Nuijten
Social networking and impression management: Self-presentation in the …, 2013
Selective exposure for better or worse: Its mediating role for online news' impact on political participation
S Knobloch-Westerwick, BK Johnson
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 19 (2), 184-196, 2014
Morality predicts enjoyment but not appreciation of morally ambiguous characters
A Eden, S Daalmans, BK Johnson
Media Psychology 20 (3), 349-373, 2017
Is that my friend or an advert? The effectiveness of Instagram native advertisements posing as social posts
BK Johnson, B Potocki, J Veldhuis
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 24 (3), 108-125, 2019
The dark at the end of the tunnel: Doomscrolling on social media newsfeeds
B Sharma, SS Lee, BK Johnson
PubPub, 2022
Are they being authentic? The effects of self-disclosure and message sidedness on sponsored post effectiveness
SS Lee, BK Johnson
International Journal of Advertising 41 (1), 30-53, 2022
Click here to look clever: Self-presentation via selective sharing of music and film on social media
BK Johnson, G Ranzini
Computers in Human Behavior 82, 148-158, 2018
Spoiler alert: Consequences of narrative spoilers for dimensions of enjoyment, appreciation, and transportation
BK Johnson, JE Rosenbaum
Communication Research 42 (8), 1068-1088, 2015
To your health: Self-regulation of health behavior through selective exposure to online health messages
S Knobloch-Westerwick, BK Johnson, A Westerwick
Journal of Communication 63 (5), 807-829, 2013
Issues, involvement, and influence: Effects of selective exposure and sharing on polarization and participation
BK Johnson, RL Neo, MEM Heijnen, L Smits, C van Veen
Computers in Human Behavior 104, 106155, 2020
Self-control depletion and narrative: Testing a prediction of the TEBOTS model
BK Johnson, DR Ewoldsen, MD Slater
Media Psychology 18 (2), 196-220, 2015
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Articles 1–20