Tim van Mourik
Tim van Mourik
Radboud University Nijmegen, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Centre for
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Selective activation of the deep layers of the human primary visual cortex by top-down feedback
P Kok, LJ Bains, T Van Mourik, DG Norris, FP de Lange
Current Biology 26 (3), 371-376, 2016
The relationship between oscillatory EEG activity and the laminar-specific BOLD signal
R Scheeringa, PJ Koopmans, T van Mourik, O Jensen, DG Norris
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (24), 6761-6766, 2016
Laminar organization of working memory signals in human visual cortex
SJD Lawrence, T van Mourik, P Kok, PJ Koopmans, DG Norris, ...
Current Biology 28 (21), 3435-3440. e4, 2018
Disentangling causal webs in the brain using functional magnetic resonance imaging: A review of current approaches
NZ Bielczyk, S Uithol, T van Mourik, P Anderson, JC Glennon, ...
Network Neuroscience 3 (2), 237-273, 2019
Diffusion tensor characteristics of gyrencephaly using high resolution diffusion MRI in vivo at 7T
M Kleinnijenhuis, T van Mourik, DG Norris, DJ Ruiter, AMC van Walsum, ...
Neuroimage 109, 378-387, 2015
Laminar specific fMRI reveals directed interactions in distributed networks during language processing
D Sharoh, T Van Mourik, LJ Bains, K Segaert, K Weber, P Hagoort, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (42), 21185-21190, 2019
Rb and FZR1/Cdh1 determine CDK4/6-cyclin D requirement in C. elegans and human cancer cells
I The, S Ruijtenberg, BP Bouchet, A Cristobal, MBW Prinsen, T van Mourik, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 5906, 2015
Laminar signal extraction over extended cortical areas by means of a spatial GLM
T Van Mourik, JPJM van der Eerden, PL Bazin, DG Norris
PloS one 14 (3), e0212493, 2019
Multisite Phosphorylation of NuMA-Related LIN-5 Controls Mitotic Spindle Positioning in C. elegans
V Portegijs, LE Fielmich, M Galli, R Schmidt, J Muņoz, T van Mourik, ...
PLoS genetics 12 (10), e1006291, 2016
Porcupine: A visual pipeline tool for neuroimaging analysis
T Van Mourik, L Snoek, T Knapen, DG Norris
PLoS computational biology 14 (5), e1006064, 2018
Improved cortical boundary registration for locally distorted fMRI scans
T Van Mourik, PJ Koopmans, DG Norris
Plos one 14 (11), e0223440, 2019
Relating neural oscillations to laminar fMRI connectivity in visual cortex
R Scheeringa, M Bonnefond, T Van Mourik, O Jensen, DG Norris, ...
Cerebral Cortex 33 (5), 1537-1549, 2023
Laminar time course extraction over extended cortical areas
T van Mourik, JP van der Eerden, DG Norris
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med 23, 2071, 2015
Inducing a mental context for associative memory formation with real-time fMRI neurofeedback
SHP Collin, PLC van den Broek, T van Mourik, P Desain, CF Doeller
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 21226, 2022
Causal Inference in functional magnetic resonance imaging
NZ Bielczyk, S Uithol, T van Mourik, MN Havenith, P Anderson, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.04020, 2017
Investigation of layer specific BOLD in the human visual cortex during visual attention
T van Mourik, PJ Koopmans, LJ Bains, DG Norris, JFM Jehee
bioRxiv, 2021.02. 07.430129, 2021
Investigation of layer-specific BOLD signal in the human visual cortex during visual attention
T van Mourik, PJ Koopmans, LJ Bains, DG Norris, JFM Jehee
Aperture Neuro 3, 1-18, 2023
Relating neural oscillations to laminar fMRI connectivity
R Scheeringa, M Bonnefond, T van Mourik, O Jensen, DG Norris, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.09. 18.303263, 2020
Exploring laminar level fMRI connectivity in visual cortex
R Scheeringa, M Bonnefond, T Mourik, O Jensen, DG Norris, ...
Radboud Data Repository, 2022
Integration of visual motion and pursuit signals in areas V3A and V6+ across cortical depth using 9.4 T fMRI
F Molaei-Vaneghi, N Zaretskaya, T van Mourik, J Bause, K Scheffler, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.12. 09.471881, 2021
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Articles 1–20