Sungho Tak
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NIRS-SPM: statistical parametric mapping for near-infrared spectroscopy
JC Ye, S Tak, KE Jang, J Jung, J Jang
Neuroimage 44 (2), 428-447, 2009
SPM12 manual
J Ashburner, G Barnes, C Chen, J Daunizeau, G Flandin, K Friston, ...
London: Wellcome Trust, 2014
Statistical Analysis of fNIRS Data: A Comprehensive Review
S Tak, JC Ye
NeuroImage 85 (1), 72-91, 2014
Best practices for fNIRS publications
MA Yücel, A Lühmann, F Scholkmann, J Gervain, I Dan, H Ayaz, D Boas, ...
Neurophotonics 8 (1), 012101, 2021
Deep residual learning for accelerated MRI using magnitude and phase networks
D Lee, J Yoo, S Tak, JC Ye
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 65 (9), 1985-1995, 2018
Wavelet minimum description length detrending for near-infrared spectroscopy
KE Jang, S Tak, J Jung, J Jang, Y Jeong, JC Ye
Journal of Biomedical Optics 14 (3), 034004-034004-13, 2009
A data-driven sparse GLM for fMRI analysis using sparse dictionary learning with MDL criterion
K Lee, S Tak, JC Ye
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 30 (5), 1076-1089, 2011
Projection reconstruction MR imaging using FOCUSS
JC Ye, S Tak, Y Han, HW Park
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 57 (4), 764-775, 2007
Quantitative analysis of hemodynamic and metabolic changes in subcortical vascular dementia using simultaneous near-infrared spectroscopy and fMRI measurements
S Tak, SJ Yoon, J Jang, K Yoo, Y Jeong, JC Ye
Neuroimage 55 (1), 176-184, 2011
Sensor space group analysis for fNIRS data
S Tak, M Uga, G Flandin, I Dan, WD Penny
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 264, 103-112, 2016
Quantification of CMRO2 without hypercapnia using simultaneous near-infrared spectroscopy and fMRI measurements
S Tak, J Jang, K Lee, JC Ye
Physics in Medicine & Biology 55 (11), 3249, 2010
Dynamic causal modelling for functional near-infrared spectroscopy
S Tak, AM Kempny, KJ Friston, AP Leff, WD Penny
NeuroImage 111, 338-349, 2015
Associations of resting-state fMRI functional connectivity with flow-BOLD coupling and regional vasculature
S Tak, JR Polimeni, DJJ Wang, L Yan, JJ Chen
Brain connectivity 5 (3), 137-146, 2015
Sparse SPM: Group Sparse-dictionary learning in SPM framework for resting-state functional connectivity MRI analysis
YB Lee, J Lee, S Tak, K Lee, DL Na, SW Seo, Y Jeong, JC Ye, ...
NeuroImage 125, 1032-1045, 2016
Dynamic and static contributions of the cerebrovasculature to the resting-state BOLD signal
S Tak, DJJ Wang, JR Polimeni, L Yan, JJ Chen
Neuroimage 84, 672-680, 2014
Dynamic causal modelling on infant fNIRS data: A validation study on a simultaneously recorded fNIRS-fMRI dataset
C Bulgarelli, A Blasi, S Arridge, S Powell, CCJM de Klerk, V Southgate, ...
NeuroImage 175, 413-424, 2018
Lipschitz-Killing curvature based expected Euler characteristics for p-value correction in fNIRS
H Li, S Tak, JC Ye
Journal of neuroscience methods 204 (1), 61-67, 2012
A high‐throughput biomimetic bone‐on‐a‐chip platform with artificial intelligence‐assisted image analysis for osteoporosis drug testing
K Paek, S Kim, S Tak, MK Kim, J Park, S Chung, TH Park, JA Kim
Bioengineering & Translational Medicine, e10313, 2022
Effective connectivity during working memory and resting states: A DCM study
K Jung, KJ Friston, C Pae, HH Choi, S Tak, YK Choi, B Park, CA Park, ...
NeuroImage 169, 485-495, 2018
A validation of dynamic causal modelling for 7T fMRI
S Tak, J Noh, C Cheong, P Zeidman, A Razi, WD Penny, KJ Friston
Journal of neuroscience methods 305, 36-45, 2018
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