George Zoriniants
George Zoriniants
Research Associate at School of Biosciences, Cardiff University
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Photoinduced charge carriers in conjugated polymer–fullerene composites studied with light-induced electron-spin resonance
V Dyakonov, G Zoriniants, M Scharber, CJ Brabec, RAJ Janssen, ...
Physical Review B 59 (12), 8019, 1999
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy of single nanodiamonds
WLPB Iestyn Pope, Lukas Payne, George Zoriniants, Evan Thomas, Oliver ...
Observation of Transverse Hyperon Polarization in Annihilation at Belle
Y Guan, A Vossen, I Adachi, K Adamczyk, JK Ahn, H Aihara, S Al Said, ...
Physical review letters 122 (4), 042001, 2019
Supramolecular Control of Two‐Dimensional Phase Behavior
S De Feyter, M Larsson, N Schuurmans, B Verkuijl, G Zoriniants, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 9 (5), 1198-1206, 2003
Photoluminescence Intensity Fluctuations and Electric‐Field‐Induced Photoluminescence Quenching in Individual Nanoclusters of Poly (phenylenevinylene)
I Scheblykin, G Zoriniants, J Hofkens, S De Feyter, M Van der Auweraer, ...
ChemPhysChem 4 (3), 260-267, 2003
The role of spin-lattice relaxation in magnetic field effects on the luminescence of amorphous and polycrystalline rubrene films
VV Tarasov, GE Zoriniants, AI Shushin, MM Triebel
Chemical physics letters 267 (1-2), 58-64, 1997
Cascaded optical field enhancement in composite plasmonic nanostructures
VG Kravets, G Zoriniants, CP Burrows, F Schedin, C Casiraghi, P Klar, ...
Physical review letters 105 (24), 246806, 2010
Composite Au nanostructures for fluorescence studies in visible light
VG Kravets, G Zoriniants, CP Burrows, F Schedin, AK Geim, WL Barnes, ...
Nano letters 10 (3), 874-879, 2010
Fluorescence enhancement through modified dye molecule absorption associated with the localized surface plasmon resonances of metallic dimers
G Zoriniants, WL Barnes
New Journal of Physics 10 (10), 105002, 2008
Measuring the lamellarity of giant lipid vesicles with differential interference contrast microscopy
CI McPhee, G Zoriniants, W Langbein, P Borri
Biophysical journal 105 (6), 1414-1420, 2013
Magnetic field effects on photoluminescence in PPP. Investigation of the influence of chain length and degree of order
EL Frankevich, GE Zoriniants, AN Chaban, MM Triebel, S Blumstengel, ...
Chemical physics letters 261 (4-5), 545-550, 1996
Background-free 3D nanometric localization and sub-nm asymmetry detection of single plasmonic nanoparticles by four-wave mixing interferometry with optical vortices
G Zoriniants, F Masia, N Giannakopoulou, W Langbein, P Borri
Physical Review X 7 (4), 041022, 2017
Resonant-state expansion of light propagation in nonuniform waveguides
SV Lobanov, G Zoriniants, W Langbein, EA Muljarov
Physical Review A 95 (5), 053848, 2017
Confocal fluorescence microscopy and AFM of thiacyanine J aggregates in Langmuir-Schaefer monolayers
CH Tian, G Zoriniants, R Gronheid, M Van der Auweraer, FC De Schryver
Langmuir 19 (23), 9831-9840, 2003
Optical anisotropy and liquid‐crystal alignment properties of rubbed polyimide layers
F Yang, G Zoriniants, L Ruan, JR Sambles
Liquid Crystals 34 (12), 1433-1441, 2007
Double-grating-structured light microscopy using plasmonic nanoparticle arrays
S Liu, CJ Chuang, CW See, G Zoriniants, WL Barnes, MG Somekh
Optics letters 34 (8), 1255-1257, 2009
Light-induced ESR studies in conjugated polymer-fullerene composites
G Zoriniants, V Dyakonov, M Scharber, CJ Brabec, RAJ Janssen, ...
Synthetic metals 102 (1-3), 1241-1242, 1999
Optical micro-spectroscopy of single metallic nanoparticles: quantitative extinction and transient resonant four-wave mixing
L Payne, G Zoriniants, F Masia, KP Arkill, P Verkade, D Rowles, ...
Faraday Discussions 184, 305-320, 2015
Phase-on-frequency characteristics of the magnetic field effect for studying the mechanism of the branching chemiluminescent reaction of luminol
MM Triebel, AK Morozov, MM Totrov, GE Zorinyants, EL Frankevich
Chemical physics letters 214 (3-4), 321-326, 1993
Development of a Near‐Field Magneto‐Optical Microscopy for Studying Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics
G Zoriniants, D Englund, O Kurnosikov, CFJ Flipse, E Riedo, H Brune, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 696 (1), 204-210, 2003
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Articles 1–20