Björn Bornkamp
Björn Bornkamp
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Innovative approaches for designing and analyzing adaptive dose-ranging trials
B Bornkamp, F Bretz, A Dmitrienko, G Enas, B Gaydos, CH Hsu, F König, ...
Journal of biopharmaceutical statistics 17 (6), 965-995, 2007
Model‐based dose finding under model uncertainty using general parametric models
J Pinheiro, B Bornkamp, E Glimm, F Bretz
Statistics in medicine 33 (10), 1646-1661, 2014
Design and analysis of dose-finding studies combining multiple comparisons and modeling procedures
J Pinheiro, B Bornkamp, F Bretz
Journal of biopharmaceutical statistics 16 (5), 639-656, 2006
MCPMod: An R package for the design and analysis of dose-finding studies
B Bornkamp, J Pinheiro, F Bretz
Journal of Statistical Software 29, 1-23, 2009
A simulation study to compare new adaptive dose–ranging designs
V Dragalin, B Bornkamp, F Bretz, F Miller, SK Padmanabhan, N Patel, ...
Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 2 (4), 487-512, 2010
Bayesian nonparametric estimation of continuous monotone functions with applications to dose–response analysis
B Bornkamp, K Ickstadt
Biometrics 65 (1), 198-205, 2009
A practical guide to Bayesian group sequential designs
T Gsponer, F Gerber, B Bornkamp, D Ohlssen, M Vandemeulebroecke, ...
Pharmaceutical statistics 13 (1), 71-80, 2014
Advanced methods for dose and regimen finding during drug development: summary of the EMA/EFPIA workshop on dose finding (London 4–5 December 2014)
FT Musuamba, E Manolis, N Holford, SYA Cheung, LE Friberg, ...
CPT: pharmacometrics & systems pharmacology 6 (7), 418-429, 2017
DoseFinding: planning and analyzing dose finding experiments
B Bornkamp, J Pinheiro, F Bretz
R package version 0.4-1, 2010
Model selection versus model averaging in dose finding studies
K Schorning, B Bornkamp, F Bretz, H Dette
Statistics in medicine 35 (22), 4021-4040, 2016
truncnorm: Truncated normal distribution
H Trautmann, D Steuer, O Mersmann, B Bornkamp
R package version, 1.0-7, 2014
Response-adaptive dose-finding under model uncertainty
B Bornkamp, F Bretz, H Dette, J Pinheiro
The Annals of Applied Statistics, 1611-1631, 2011
Principal stratum strategy: potential role in drug development
B Bornkamp, K Rufibach, J Lin, Y Liu, DV Mehrotra, S Roychoudhury, ...
Pharmaceutical Statistics 20 (4), 737-751, 2021
Nonparametric bayesian networks
K Ickstadt, B Bornkamp, M Grzegorczyk, J Wieczorek, MR Sheriff, ...
Bayesian statistics 9, 283-316, 2010
Package ‘mvtnorm’
A Genz, F Bretz, T Miwa, X Mi, F Leisch, F Scheipl, B Bornkamp, ...
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 11 (950-971), 155, 2021
On the efficiency of two‐stage response‐adaptive designs
H Dette, B Bornkamp, F Bretz
Statistics in Medicine 32 (10), 1646-1660, 2013
Model averaging for treatment effect estimation in subgroups
B Bornkamp, D Ohlssen, BP Magnusson, H Schmidli
Pharmaceutical statistics 16 (2), 133-142, 2017
Adaptive and model-based dose-ranging trials: quantitative evaluation and recommendations. White paper of the PhRMA working group on adaptive dose-ranging studies
J Pinheiro, F Sax, Z Antonijevic, B Bornkamp, F Bretz, C Chuang-Stein, ...
Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 2 (4), 435-454, 2010
Functional uniform priors for nonlinear modeling
B Bornkamp
Biometrics 68 (3), 893-901, 2012
Retrospective Bayesian outlier detection in INGARCH series
R Fried, I Agueusop, B Bornkamp, K Fokianos, J Fruth, K Ickstadt
Statistics and Computing 25, 365-374, 2015
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Articles 1–20