Aurelie Verney-Carron
Aurelie Verney-Carron
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Elemental and isotopic (29Si and 18O) tracing of glass alteration mechanisms
N Valle, A Verney-Carron, J Sterpenich, G Libourel, E Deloule, P Jollivet
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (12), 3412-3431, 2010
Experimental determination of the role of diffusion on Li isotope fractionation during basaltic glass weathering
A Verney-Carron, N Vigier, R Millot
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (12), 3452-3468, 2011
A fractured roman glass block altered for 1800 years in seawater: analogy with nuclear waste glass in a deep geological repository
A Verney-Carron, S Gin, G Libourel
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (22), 5372-5385, 2008
Long-term modeling of alteration-transport coupling: application to a fractured Roman glass
A Verney-Carron, S Gin, P Frugier, G Libourel
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (8), 2291-2315, 2010
Characterisation of complex alteration layers in medieval glasses
T Lombardo, L Gentaz, A Verney-Carron, A Chabas, C Loisel, D Neff, ...
Corrosion Science 72, 10-19, 2013
The use of natural and archeological analogues for understanding the long-term behavior of nuclear glasses
G Libourel, A Verney-Carron, A Morlok, S Gin, J Sterpenich, A Michelin, ...
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 343 (2-3), 237-245, 2011
Lithium isotopes in hydrothermally altered basalts from Hengill (SW Iceland)
A Verney-Carron, N Vigier, R Millot, BS Hardarson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 411, 62-71, 2015
Archaeological analogs and the future of nuclear waste glass
A Verney-Carron, S Gin, G Libourel
Journal of nuclear materials 406 (3), 365-370, 2010
Bioalteration of synthetic Fe (III)-, Fe (II)-bearing basaltic glasses and Fe-free glass in the presence of the heterotrophic bacteria strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Impact of …
A Perez, S Rossano, N Trcera, D Huguenot, C Fourdrin, A Verney-Carron, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 188, 147-162, 2016
Effect of marine aerosols on the alteration of silicate glasses
T Palomar, A Chabas, DM Bastidas, D de la Fuente, A Verney-Carron
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 471, 328-337, 2017
Physico-chemical characterisation of glass soiling in rural, urban and industrial environments
T Lombardo, A Chabas, A Verney-Carron, H Cachier, S Triquet, S Darchy
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 9251-9258, 2014
Enhanced dissolution of basaltic glass in brackish waters: Impact on biogeochemical cycles
GP Morin, N Vigier, A Verney-Carron
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 417, 1-8, 2015
ICP materials trends in corrosion, soiling and air pollution (1987–2014)
J Tidblad, K Kreislová, M Faller, D De la Fuente, T Yates, ...
Materials 10 (8), 969, 2017
Understanding the mechanisms of Si–K–Ca glass alteration using silicon isotopes
A Verney-Carron, L Sessegolo, M Saheb, N Valle, P Ausset, R Losno, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 203, 404-421, 2017
Role of secondary phases in the scaling of stained glass windows exposed to rain
L Gentaz, T Lombardo, A Chabas, C Loisel, D Neff, A Verney-Carron
Corrosion Science 109, 206-216, 2016
Weathering of limestone after several decades in an urban environment
M Saheb, A Chabas, JD Mertz, E Colas, O Rozenbaum, JP Sizun, ...
Corrosion Science 111, 742-752, 2016
Long term exposure of self-cleaning and reference glass in an urban environment: A comparative assessment
A Chabas, S Alfaro, T Lombardo, A Verney-Carron, E Da Silva, S Triquet, ...
Building and environment 79, 57-65, 2014
Impact of neocrystallisations on the SiO2–K2O–CaO glass degradation due to atmospheric dry depositions
L Gentaz, T Lombardo, A Chabas, C Loisel, A Verney-Carron
Atmospheric environment 55, 459-466, 2012
Impact of iron chelators on short-term dissolution of basaltic glass
A Perez, S Rossano, N Trcera, A Verney-Carron, D Huguenot, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 162, 83-98, 2015
Direct and indirect impact of the bacterial strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa on the dissolution of synthetic Fe (III)-and Fe (II)-bearing basaltic glasses
A Perez, S Rossano, N Trcera, A Verney-Carron, C Rommevaux, ...
Chemical Geology 523, 9-18, 2019
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Articles 1–20