Mardelle Atkins
Mardelle Atkins
Assistant Professor, Sam Houston State University
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Discovery of Transcription Factors and Regulatory Regions Driving In Vivo Tumor Development by ATAC-seq and FAIRE-seq Open Chromatin Profiling
K Davie, J Jacobs, M Atkins, D Potier, V Christiaens, G Halder, S Aerts
PLoS genetics 11 (2), e1004994, 2015
The transcription factor Grainy head primes epithelial enhancers for spatiotemporal activation by displacing nucleosomes
J Jacobs, M Atkins, K Davie, H Imrichova, L Romanelli, V Christiaens, ...
Nature genetics 50 (7), 1011-1020, 2018
An ectopic network of transcription factors regulated by hippo signaling drives growth and invasion of a malignant tumor model
M Atkins, D Potier, L Romanelli, J Jacobs, J Mach, F Hamaratoglu, S Aerts, ...
Current Biology 26 (16), 2101-2113, 2016
Mask is required for the activity of the Hippo pathway effector Yki/YAP
L Sansores-Garcia, M Atkins, IM Moya, M Shahmoradgoli, C Tao, GB Mills, ...
Current Biology 23 (3), 229-235, 2013
Dual regulation and redundant function of two eye-specific enhancers of the Drosophila retinal determination gene dachshund
KS Pappu, EJ Ostrin, BW Middlebrooks, BT Sili, R Chen, MR Atkins, ...
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 132 (12), 2895 …, 2005
Two-step selection of a single R8 photoreceptor: a bistable loop between senseless and rough locks in R8 fate
KL Pepple, M Atkins, K Venken, K Wellnitz, M Harding, B Frankfort, ...
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 135 (24), 4071 …, 2008
Hippo signaling instructs ectopic but not normal organ growth
W Kowalczyk, L Romanelli, M Atkins, H Hillen, C Bravo González-Blas, ...
Science 378 (6621), eabg3679, 2022
Signaling in the third dimension: the peripodial epithelium in eye disc development
M Atkins, G Mardon
Developmental dynamics: an official publication of the American Association …, 2009
Dynamic Rewiring of the Drosophila Retinal Determination Network Switches Its Function from Selector to Differentiation
M Atkins, Y Jiang, L Sansores-Garcia, B Jusiak, G Halder, G Mardon
PLoS genetics 9 (8), e1003731, 2013
The CCR4-NOT complex is a tumor suppressor in Drosophila melanogaster eye cancer models
C Vicente, R Stirparo, S Demeyer, CE de Bock, O Gielen, M Atkins, J Yan, ...
Journal of Hematology & Oncology 11, 1-16, 2018
Rounding up the usual suspects: assessing yorkie, AP-1, and stat coactivation in tumorigenesis
F Hamaratoglu, M Atkins
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (13), 4580, 2020
Shared enhancer gene regulatory networks between wound and oncogenic programs
S Floc'hlay, R Balaji, D Stanković, VM Christiaens, CB González-Blas, ...
Elife 12, e81173, 2023
Modulation of the Hippo pathway and organ growth by RNA processing proteins
J Mach, M Atkins, KM Gajewski, V Mottier-Pavie, L Sansores-Garcia, J Xie, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (42), 10684-10689, 2018
Drosophila Cancer Modeling Using the Eye Imaginal Discs
K Gangwani, K Snigdha, M Atkins, SR Singh, M Kango-Singh
Molecular Genetics of Axial Patterning, Growth and Disease in Drosophila Eye …, 2020
Drosophila Genetics: The Power of Genetic Mosaic Approaches
M Atkins
The Hippo Pathway: Methods and Protocols, 27-42, 2019
Natural Variation of Chromatin Accessibility reveals a new epithelial Enhancer model
J Jacobs, K Davie, M Atkins, L Romanelli, G Hulselmans, G Halder, ...
European Drosophila Research Conference, Date: 2017/10/22-2017/10/25 …, 2017
The effects of the trol4 and trols1 mutations on neural stem cell development and proliferation in Drosophila melanogaster embryos
MR Atkins
Texas A&M University, 2013
Navigating the Transition from Determination to Differentiation in the Drosophila Retina: A Mechanism for Eyeless Repression
M Atkins
Baylor College of Medicine. Program in Developmental Biology, 2011
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