Ajay Jaiswal
Ajay Jaiswal
Amazon PhD Fellow @UT Austin, IIT-Kharagpur
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Cited by
Single frame atmospheric turbulence mitigation: A benchmark study and a new physics-inspired transformer model
Z *Mao, A *Jaiswal, Z Wang, SH Chan
(*Equal Contribution) European Conference on Computer Vision, 430-446, 2022
CancerGPT for few shot drug pair synergy prediction using large pretrained language models
T Li, S Shetty, A Kamath, A Jaiswal, X Jiang, Y Ding, Y Kim
Nature NPJ Digital Medicine 7 (1), 40, 2024
Further divided gender gaps in research productivity and collaboration during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from coronavirus-related literature
M Liu, N Zhang, X Hu, A Jaiswal, J Xu, H Chen, Y Ding, Y Bu
Journal of informetrics 16 (2), 101295, 2022
Training your sparse neural network better with any mask
AK Jaiswal, H Ma, T Chen, Y Ding, Z Wang
International Conference on Machine Learning, 9833-9844, 2022
Sparse MoE as the New Dropout: Scaling Dense and Self-Slimmable Transformers
T Chen, Z Zhang, A Jaiswal, S Liu, Z Wang
ICLR 2023, 2023
Outlier weighed layerwise sparsity (owl): A missing secret sauce for pruning llms to high sparsity
L Yin, Y Wu, Z Zhang, CY Hsieh, Y Wang, Y Jia, G Li, A Jaiswal, ...
ICML 2024, 2023
Sparsity May Cry: Let Us Fail (Current) Sparse Neural Networks Together!
S Liu, T Chen, Z Zhang, X Chen, T Huang, A Jaiswal, Z Wang
ICLR 2023, 2023
The Emergence of Essential Sparsity in Large Pre-trained Models: The Weights that Matter
A Jaiswal, S Liu, T Chen, Z Wang
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023), 2023
Understanding the impact of early citers on long-term scientific impact
M Singh, A Jaiswal, P Shree, A Pal, A Mukherjee, P Goyal
2017 ACM/IEEE joint conference on digital libraries (JCDL), 1-10, 2017
LLaGA: Large Language and Graph Assistant
R Chen, T Zhao, A Jaiswal, N Shah, Z Wang
ICML 2024, 2024
Radbert-cl: Factually-aware contrastive learning for radiology report classification
A Jaiswal, L Tang, M Ghosh, JF Rousseau, Y Peng, Y Ding
Machine Learning for Health, 196-208, 2021
Instant soup: Cheap pruning ensembles in a single pass can draw lottery tickets from large models
AK Jaiswal, S Liu, T Chen, Y Ding, Z Wang
International Conference on Machine Learning, 14691-14701, 2023
Physics-driven turbulence image restoration with stochastic refinement
A Jaiswal, X Zhang, SH Chan, Z Wang
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2023
Team formation and team impact: The balance between team freshness and repeat collaboration
M Liu, A Jaiswal, Y Bu, C Min, S Yang, Z Liu, D Acuņa, Y Ding
Journal of Informetrics 16 (4), 101337, 2022
Compressing llms: The truth is rarely pure and never simple
A Jaiswal, Z Gan, X Du, B Zhang, Z Wang, Y Yang
ICLR 2024, 2023
Outline, then details: Syntactically guided coarse-to-fine code generation
W Zheng, SP Sharan, AK Jaiswal, K Wang, Y Xi, D Xu, Z Wang
ICLR 2023, 2023
Using radiomics as prior knowledge for thorax disease classification and localization in chest x-rays
Y Han, C Chen, L Tang, M Lin, A Jaiswal, S Wang, A Tewfik, G Shih, ...
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2021, 546, 2021
Old can be Gold: Better Gradient Flow can Make Vanilla-GCNs Great Again
A Jaiswal, P Wang, T Chen, JF Rousseau, Y Ding, Z Wang
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022), 2022
Scalp-supervised contrastive learning for cardiopulmonary disease classification and localization in chest x-rays using patient metadata
A Jaiswal, T Li, C Zander, Y Han, JF Rousseau, Y Peng, Y Ding
2021 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 1132-1137, 2021
CXR-LT: Multi-Label Long-Tailed Classification on Chest X-Rays
G Holste, S Wang, A Jaiswal, Y Yang, M Lin, Y Peng, A Wang
PhysioNet 5, 19, 2023
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Articles 1–20