Berk Geveci
Berk Geveci
Senior Director of Scientific Computing, Kitware Inc.
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36-paraview: An end-user tool for large-data visualization
J Ahrens, B Geveci, C Law, C Hansen, C Johnson
The visualization handbook 717, 50038-1, 2005
The paraview coprocessing library: A scalable, general purpose in situ visualization library
N Fabian, K Moreland, D Thompson, AC Bauer, P Marion, B Gevecik, ...
2011 IEEE symposium on large data analysis and visualization, 89-96, 2011
The paraview guide
AH Squillacote, J Ahrens, C Law, B Geveci, K Moreland, B King
Kitware, 2007
The link between shocks, turbulence, and magnetic reconnection in collisionless plasmas
H Karimabadi, V Roytershteyn, HX Vu, YA Omelchenko, J Scudder, ...
Physics of Plasmas 21 (6), 2014
Paraview catalyst: Enabling in situ data analysis and visualization
U Ayachit, A Bauer, B Geveci, P O'Leary, K Moreland, N Fabian, J Mauldin
Proceedings of the first workshop on in situ infrastructures for enabling …, 2015
Visualization Handbook
J Ahrens
Elsevier, 2005
In Situ Methods, Infrastructures, and Applications on High Performance Computing Platforms
AC Bauer, H Abbasi, J Ahrens, H Childs, B Geveci, S Klasky, K Moreland, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (3), 577-597, 2016
Vtk-m: Accelerating the visualization toolkit for massively threaded architectures
K Moreland, C Sewell, W Usher, L Lo, J Meredith, D Pugmire, J Kress, ...
IEEE computer graphics and applications 36 (3), 48-58, 2016
Large-scale data visualization using parallel data streaming
J Ahrens, K Brislawn, K Martin, B Geveci, CC Law, M Papka
IEEE Computer graphics and Applications 21 (4), 34-41, 2001
The alpine in situ infrastructure: Ascending from the ashes of strawman
M Larsen, J Ahrens, U Ayachit, E Brugger, H Childs, B Geveci, C Harrison
Proceedings of the In Situ Infrastructures on Enabling Extreme-Scale …, 2017
Remote large data visualization in the paraview framework.
A Cedilnik, B Geveci, K Moreland, JP Ahrens, JM Favre
EGPGV@ EuroVis/EGVE, 163-170, 2006
The SENSEI generic in situ interface
U Ayachit, B Whitlock, M Wolf, B Loring, B Geveci, D Lonie, EW Bethel
2016 second workshop on in situ infrastructures for enabling extreme-scale …, 2016
The VTK user's guide
LS Avila, S Barre, R Blue, B Geveci, A Henderson, WA Hoffman, B King, ...
Kitware, 2010
ParaViewWeb: A web framework for 3D visualization and data processing
S Jourdain, U Ayachit, B Geveci
International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial …, 2011
Research challenges for visualization software
H Childs, B Geveci, W Schroeder, J Meredith, K Moreland, C Sewell, ...
Computer 46 (5), 34-42, 2013
Flying edges: A high-performance scalable isocontouring algorithm
W Schroeder, R Maynard, B Geveci
2015 IEEE 5th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 33-40, 2015
A terminology for in situ visualization and analysis systems
H Childs, SD Ahern, J Ahrens, AC Bauer, J Bennett, EW Bethel, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 34 (6 …, 2020
The ParaView guide: updated for ParaView version 4.3
U Ayachit, B Geveci, L Avila
(No Title), 2015
Dax toolkit: A proposed framework for data analysis and visualization at extreme scale
K Moreland, U Ayachit, B Geveci, KL Ma
2011 IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization, 97-104, 2011
Time dependent processing in a parallel pipeline architecture
J Biddiscombe, B Geveci, K Martin, K Moreland, D Thompson
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13 (6), 1376-1383, 2007
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Articles 1–20