Vasilis Bellos
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Cited by
Comparing various methods of building representation for 2D flood modelling in built-up areas
V Bellos, G Tsakiris
Water Resources Management 29, 379-397, 2015
A hybrid method for flood simulation in small catchments combining hydrodynamic and hydrological techniques
V Bellos, G Tsakiris
Journal of Hydrology 540, 331-339, 2016
Recent insights on uncertainties present in integrated catchment water quality modelling
F Tscheikner-Gratl, V Bellos, A Schellart, A Moreno-Rodenas, ...
Water research 150, 368-379, 2019
Reconstruction of a flash flood event using a 2D hydrodynamic model under spatial and temporal variability of storm
V Bellos, I Papageorgaki, I Kourtis, H Vangelis, I Kalogiros, G Tsakiris
Natural Hazards 101, 711-726, 2020
A Numerical Model for Two-Dimensional Flood Routing in Complex Terrains
G Tsakiris, V Bellos
Water Resources Management 28 (5), 1277-1291, 2014
Friction modeling of flood flow simulations
V Bellos, I Nalbantis, G Tsakiris
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 144 (12), 04018073, 2018
Machine learning in assessing the performance of hydrological models
E Rozos, P Dimitriadis, V Bellos
Hydrology 9 (1), 5, 2021
Ways for flood hazard mapping in urbanised environments: A short literature review
V Bellos
Water Utility Journal 4, 25-31, 2012
Methodology for holistic assessment of grey-green flood mitigation measures for climate change adaptation in urban basins
IM Kourtis, V Bellos, G Kopsiaftis, B Psiloglou, VA Tsihrintzis
Journal of Hydrology 603, 126885, 2021
Toward street‐level nowcasting of flash floods impacts based on HPC hydrodynamic modeling at the watershed scale and high‐resolution weather radar data
P Costabile, C Costanzo, J Kalogiros, V Bellos
Water Resources Research 59 (10), e2023WR034599, 2023
Propagating dam breach parametric uncertainty in a river reach using the HEC-RAS software
V Bellos, VK Tsakiris, G Kopsiaftis, G Tsakiris
Hydrology 7 (4), 72, 2020
Quantifying roughness coefficient uncertainty in urban flooding simulations through a simplified methodology
V Bellos, IM Kourtis, A Moreno-Rodenas, VA Tsihrintzis
Water 9 (12), 944, 2017
Calibration and validation of SWMM model in two urban catchments in Athens, Greece
IM Kourtis, G Kopsiaftis, V Bellos, VA Tsihrintzis
International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST), 2017
Forensic hydrology: A complete reconstruction of an extreme flood event in data-scarce area
A Tegos, A Ziogas, V Bellos, A Tzimas
Hydrology 9 (5), 93, 2022
Numerical Simulation of a Dam-Break Flood Wave
V Bellos, V Hrissanthou
European Water 33, 45-53, 2011
A hybrid surrogate modelling strategy for simplification of detailed urban drainage simulators
M Mahmoodian, JP Carbajal, V Bellos, U Leopold, G Schutz, F Clemens
Water Resources Management 32, 5241-5256, 2018
Using Sentinel-1 imagery to assess predictive performance of a hydraulic model
I Zotou, V Bellos, A Gkouma, V Karathanassi, VA Tsihrintzis
Water Resources Management 34, 4415-4430, 2020
Comparison of 1D-1D and 1D-2D urban flood models
IM Kourtis, V Bellos, VA Tsihrintzis
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Environmental Science …, 2017
A dynamic emulator for physically based flow simulators under varying rainfall and parametric conditions
AM Moreno-Rodenas, V Bellos, JG Langeveld, FHLR Clemens
Water research 142, 512-527, 2018
Relationship of Rainfall and Flood Return Periods through Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling
H Vangelis, I Zotou, IM Kourtis, V Bellos, VA Tsihrintzis
Water 14 (22), 3618, 2022
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Articles 1–20