Pierre Missotten
Pierre Missotten
Université de Liège, Unité de Psychologie de la Sénescence
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Quality of life in older Belgian people: comparison between people with dementia, mild cognitive impairment, and controls
P Missotten, G Squelard, M Ylieff, D Di Notte, L Paquay, J De Lepeleire, ...
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: A journal of the psychiatry …, 2008
Quality of life in dementia: a 2‐year follow‐up study
P Missotten, M Ylieff, D Di Notte, L Paquay, J De Lepeleire, F Buntinx, ...
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: A journal of the psychiatry …, 2007
Ageism and caring attitudes among nurses in oncology
S Schroyen, P Missotten, G Jerusalem, C Gilles, S Adam
International psychogeriatrics 28 (5), 749-757, 2016
Ageism and its clinical impact in oncogeriatry: state of knowledge and therapeutic leads
S Schroyen, S Adam, G Jerusalem, P Missotten
Clinical interventions in aging, 117-125, 2015
Communication of healthcare professionals: Is there ageism?
S Schroyen, S Adam, M Marquet, G Jerusalem, S Thiel, AL Giraudet, ...
European Journal of Cancer Care 27 (1), e12780, 2018
Relationship between quality of life and cognitive decline in dementia
P Missotten, G Squelard, M Ylieff, D Di Notte, L Paquay, J De Lepeleire, ...
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 25 (6), 564-572, 2008
L'âgisme et le jeunisme: conséquences trop méconnues par les cliniciens et chercheurs!
S Adam, S Joubert, P Missotten
Revue de neuropsychologie 5 (1), 4-8, 2013
Dementia-specific quality of life instruments: a conceptual analysis
P Missotten, G Dupuis, S Adam
International psychogeriatrics 28 (8), 1245-1262, 2016
Impact of contact with grandparents on children's and adolescents’ views on the elderly
A Flamion, P Missotten, M Marquet, S Adam
Child development 90 (4), 1155-1169, 2019
Old age-related stereotypes of preschool children
A Flamion, P Missotten, L Jennotte, N Hody, S Adam
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 807, 2020
La qualité de vie infantile: état actuel des connaissances
P Missotten, AM Etienne, G Dupuis
Revue francophone de clinique comportementale et cognitive 12 (4), 2007
The link between self-perceptions of aging, cancer view and physical and mental health of older people with cancer: A cross-sectional study
S Schroyen, M Marquet, G Jerusalem, B Dardenne, M Van den Akker, ...
Journal of geriatric oncology 8 (1), 64-68, 2017
A validation of the French version of the Attitudes to Aging Questionnaire (AAQ): factor structure, reliability and validity
M Marquet, P Missotten, S Schroyen, I van Sambeek, M van den Akker, ...
Psychologica Belgica 56 (2), 80, 2016
Association between self-perception of aging, view of cancer and health of older patients in oncology: a one-year longitudinal study
S Schroyen, P Missotten, G Jerusalem, M Van den Akker, F Buntinx, ...
BMC cancer 17, 1-8, 2017
The gap concept as a quality of life measure: Validation study of the Child Quality of Life Systemic Inventory
AM Etienne, G Dupuis, E Spitz, F Lemetayer, P Missotten
Social Indicators Research 100, 241-257, 2011
Impact of place of residence on relationship between quality of life and cognitive decline in dementia
P Missotten, P Thomas, G Squelard, D Di Notte, O Fontaine, L Paquay, ...
Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders 23 (4), 395-400, 2009
Interactions between stereotype threat, subjective aging, and memory in older adults
M Marquet, P Missotten, B Dardenne, S Adam
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 26 (1), 121-143, 2019
Âgisme et surestimation des difficultés cognitives des personnes âgées: une revue de la question
M Marquet, P Missotten, S Adam
Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil 14 (2), 177-186, 2016
Vieillir en bonne santé dans une société âgiste…
S Adam, P Missotten, A Flamion, M Marquet, A Clesse, S Piccard, ...
NPG Neurologie-Psychiatrie-Gériatrie 17 (102), 389-398, 2017
Ageism in Belgium and Burundi: a comparative analysis
M Marquet, P Missotten, S Schroyen, D Nindaba, S Adam
Clinical interventions in Aging, 1129-1139, 2016
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