Diana De Graeve
Diana De Graeve
professor of economics University of Antwerpen
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Equity in the delivery of health care in Europe and the US
E Van Doorslaer, A Wagstaff, H Van der Burg, T Christiansen, ...
Journal of health economics 19 (5), 553-583, 2000
A typology for provider payment systems in health care
M Jegers, K Kesteloot, D De Graeve, W Gilles
Health policy 60 (3), 255-273, 2002
Cost-effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination of older people: a study in 5 western European countries
A Ament, R Baltussen, G Duru, C Rigaud-Bully, D De Graeve, Å Örtqvist, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 31 (2), 444-450, 2000
The distributional impact of health financing in Europe: A review
D De Graeve, T Van Ourti
World Economy 26 (10), 1459-1479, 2003
Long-acting risperidone compared with oral olanzapine and haloperidol depot in schizophrenia: a Belgian cost-effectiveness analysis
D De Graeve, A Smet, A Mehnert, S Caleo, H Miadi-Fargier, ...
Pharmacoeconomics 23, 35-47, 2005
Supplemental health insurance and equality of access in Belgium
E Schokkaert, T Van Ourti, D De Graeve, A Lecluyse, C Van de Voorde
Health economics 19 (4), 377-395, 2010
Healthcare use, social burden and costs of children with and without ADHD in Flanders, Belgium
A De Ridder, D De Graeve
Clinical drug investigation 26, 75-90, 2006
Economic aspects of pneumococcal pneumonia: a review of the literature
D De Graeve, P Beutels
Pharmacoeconomics 22, 719-740, 2004
Direct costs of health care for HIV/AIDS patients in Belgium
RC Decock, AME Depoorter, DD Graeve, R Colebunders
AIDS care 13 (6), 721-731, 2001
The economics of health insurance in low and middle-income countries
D De Graeve
Experience: the most critical factor in choosing after-hours medical care
H Philips, D Mahr, R Remmen, M Weverbergh, D De Graeve, ...
Quality and Safety in Health Care 19 (6), e3-e3, 2010
Cost-effectiveness analysis of pneumococcal vaccination of adults and elderly persons in Belgium
D De Graeve, G Lombaert, H Goossens
Pharmacoeconomics 17, 591-601, 2000
Evaluatie van de effecten van de maximumfactuur op de consumptie en financiële toegankelijkheid van gezondheidszorg
E Schokkaert, J Guillaume, A Lecluyse, H Avalosse, K Cornelis, ...
Drug eluting stents in Belgium: health technology assessment
M Neyt, H van Brabandt, S Devriese, J Mahieu, A De Ridder, ...
Disease burden and medical cost-analysis of Acute Respiratory Infections in a low-income district of Bogotá
CA Lara-Oliveros, D De Graeve, F Franco, SP Daza
Revista de Salud Pública 18, 568-580, 2016
Comparing the cost effectiveness of risperidone and olanzapine in the treatment of schizophrenia using the net-benefit regression approach
A De Ridder, D De Graeve
Pharmacoeconomics 27, 69-80, 2009
Recommended structure for reporting economic evaluation on pharmaceuticals in Belgium
L Annemans, R Crott, D Degraeve, D Dubois, M Huybrechts, F Peys, ...
Pharmacy World and Science 24, 5-7, 2002
Predicting the place of out-of-hours care—a market simulation based on discrete choice analysis
H Philips, D Mahr, R Remmen, M Weverbergh, D De Graeve, ...
Health Policy 106 (3), 284-290, 2012
Hospital supplements in Belgium: Price variation and regulation
A Lecluyse, C Van de Voorde, D De Graeve, E Schokkaert, T Van Ourti
Health policy 92 (2-3), 276-287, 2009
The out-of-pocket burden of chronic diseases: the cases of Belgian, Czech and German older adults
V Kočiš Krůtilová, L Bahnsen, D De Graeve
BMC Health Services Research 21, 1-13, 2021
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