Paulo Dorneles
Paulo Dorneles
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Trophic relationships and mercury biomagnification in Brazilian tropical coastal food webs
TL Bisi, G Lepoint, A de Freitas Azevedo, PR Dorneles, L Flach, K Das, ...
Ecological Indicators 18, 291-302, 2012
Pyrethroids: a new threat to marine mammals?
MB Alonso, ML Feo, C Corcellas, LG Vidal, CP Bertozzi, J Marigo, ...
Environment International 47, 99-106, 2012
Anthropogenic and naturally-produced organobrominated compounds in marine mammals from Brazil
PR Dorneles, J Lailson-Brito, AC Dirtu, L Weijs, AF Azevedo, JPM Torres, ...
Environment International 36 (1), 60-67, 2010
Mercury-selenium relationships in liver of Guiana dolphin: the possible role of Kupffer cells in the detoxification process by tiemannite formation
J Lailson-Brito, R Cruz, PR Dorneles, L Andrade, AF Azevedo, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (7), e42162, 2012
Cephalopods and cetaceans as indicators of offshore bioavailability of cadmium off Central South Brazil Bight
PR Dorneles, J Lailson-Brito, RA Dos Santos, PAS da Costa, O Malm, ...
Environmental pollution 148 (1), 352-359, 2007
Anthropogenic (PBDE) and naturally-produced (MeO-PBDE) brominated compounds in cetaceans—A review
MB Alonso, A Azevedo, JPM Torres, PR Dorneles, E Eljarrat, D Barceló, ...
Science of the Total Environment 481, 619-634, 2014
High organochlorine accumulation in blubber of Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis, from Brazilian coast and its use to establish geographical differences among populations
J Lailson-Brito, PR Dorneles, CE Azevedo-Silva, AF Azevedo, LG Vidal, ...
Environmental Pollution 158 (5), 1800-1808, 2010
Natural and anthropogenically-produced brominated compounds in endemic dolphins from Western South Atlantic: another risk to a vulnerable species
MB Alonso, E Eljarrat, M Gorga, ER Secchi, M Bassoi, L Barbosa, ...
Environmental Pollution 170, 152-160, 2012
Mercury biomagnification and the trophic structure of the ichthyofauna from a remote lake in the Brazilian Amazon
CE Azevedo-Silva, R Almeida, DP Carvalho, JPHB Ometto, ...
Environmental research 151, 286-296, 2016
Organochlorine compound accumulation in delphinids from Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazilian coast
J Lailson-Brito, PR Dorneles, CE Azevedo-Silva, TL Bisi, LG Vidal, ...
Science of the total environment 433, 123-131, 2012
High Accumulation of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) in Marine Tucuxi Dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) from the Brazilian Coast
PR Dorneles, J Lailson-Brito, AF Azevedo, J Meyer, LG Vidal, AB Fragoso, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 42 (14), 5368-5373, 2008
Evaluation of cetacean exposure to organotin compounds in Brazilian waters through hepatic total tin concentrations
PR Dorneles, J Lailson-Brito, MAS Fernandez, LG Vidal, LA Barbosa, ...
Environmental Pollution 156 (3), 1268-1276, 2008
Trophic relationships and habitat preferences of delphinids from the southeastern Brazilian coast determined by carbon and nitrogen stable isotope composition
TL Bisi, PR Dorneles, J Lailson-Brito, G Lepoint, AF Azevedo, L Flach, ...
PLoS One 8 (12), e82205, 2013
High accumulation of PCDD, PCDF, and PCB congeners in marine mammals from Brazil: a serious PCB problem
PR Dorneles, P Sanz, G Eppe, AF Azevedo, CP Bertozzi, MA Martínez, ...
Science of the Total Environment 463, 309-318, 2013
Metal bioaccumulation in consumed marine bivalves in Southeast Brazilian coast
AS Lino, PMA Galvăo, RTL Longo, CE Azevedo-Silva, PR Dorneles, ...
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 34, 50-55, 2016
Human-induced injuries to marine tucuxis (Sotalia guianensis)(Cetacea: Delphinidae) in Brazil
AF Azevedo, J Lailson-Brito, PR Dorneles, M van Sluys, HA Cunha, ...
Marine Biodiversity Records 2, e22, 2009
A review on pesticides in flower production: A push to reduce human exposure and environmental contamination
PCG Pereira, CET Parente, GO Carvalho, JPM Torres, RO Meire, ...
Environmental Pollution 289, 117817, 2021
Organochlorine concentrations in franciscana dolphins, Pontoporia blainvillei, from Brazilian waters
J Lailson-Brito, PR Dorneles, CE Azevedo-Silva, A de Freitas Azevedo, ...
Chemosphere 84 (7), 882-887, 2011
Feeding habits of delphinids (Mammalia: Cetacea) from Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil
CLC Melo, RA Santos, M Bassoi, AC Araújo, J Lailson-Brito, PR Dorneles, ...
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 90 (8 …, 2010
Whistles emitted by Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) in southeastern Brazil
AF Azevedo, L Flach, TL Bisi, LG Andrade, PR Dorneles, J Lailson-Brito
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127 (4), 2646-2651, 2010
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Articles 1–20