Dr. Ram Prakash Yadav
Dr. Ram Prakash Yadav
Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi
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Cited by
Long-term effects of organic manure and inorganic fertilization on sustainability and chemical soil quality indicators of soybean-wheat cropping system in the Indian mid-Himalayas
M Choudhary, SC Panday, VS Meena, S S, RP Yadav, D Mahanta, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 257, 38–46, 2018
Land use changes: Strategies to improve soil carbon and nitrogen storage pattern in the mid-Himalaya ecosystem, India
VS Meena, T Mondal, P BM, A Mukharjee, RP Yadav, C M, S Singh, ...
Geoderma 321 (July), 69-78, 2018
Arbuscular mycorrhiza: a viable strategy for soil nutrient loss reduction
M Parihar, VS Meena, PK Mishra, A Rakshit, M Choudhary, RP Yadav, ...
Archives of Microbiology, 2019
Biomass, carbon stock under different production systems in the mid hills of Indian Himalaya
RP Yadav, JK Bisht, JC Bhatt
Tropical Ecology 58 (1), 15-21, 2017
Long-term effects of organic manure and inorganic fertilization on biological soil quality indicators of soybean-wheat rotation in the Indian mid-Himalaya
M Choudhary, VS Meena, SC Panday, T Mondal, RP Yadav, PK Mishra, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 157 (2021), 1-8, 2020
Conservation agriculture and climate change: an overview
M Choudhary, PC Ghasal, S Kumar, Y RP, S S, M VS, JK Bisht
Conservation Agriculture, 1-37, 2016
Phenological events along the elevation gradient and effect of climate change on Rhododendron arboreum Sm. in Kumaun Himalaya
N Singh, J Ram, A Tewari, RP Yadav
Current Science, 106-110, 2015
Socioeconomics and sources of livelihood security in Central Himalaya, India: a case study
RP Yadav, B Gupta, PL Bhutia, B JK
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, http://www …, 2016
Towards Plant-Beneficiary Rhizobacteria and Agricultural Sustainability
M Choudhary, PC Ghasal, RP Yadav, M VS, T Mondal, JK Bisht
Role of Rhizospheric Microbes in Soil, 1-46, 2018
Aboveground biomass and carbon stock of fruit tree based land use systems in Indian Himalaya
RP Yadav, JK Bisht, BM Pandey
The Ecoscan 9 (3&4), 779-783, 2015
Agroforestry: A way to conserve MPTs in North Western Himalaya
Y R P, B J K
Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences 1 (9), 8-13, 2013
Biomass and carbon budgeting of sustainable agroforestry systems as ecosystem service in Indian Himalayas
RP Yadav, B Gupta, PL Bhutia, JK Bisht, A Pattanayak, VS Meena, ...
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 26 (5), 460-470, 2019
Increasing farmer’s income and water use efficiency as affected by long-term fertilization under a rainfed and supplementary irrigation in a soybean-wheat cropping system of …
SC Panday, M Choudhary, VS Singh, Meena, D Mahanta, RP Yadav, ...
Field Crops Research 219 (April), 214-221, 2018
Biomass and carbon budgeting of land use types along elevation gradient in Central Himalayas
RP Yadav, B Gupta, B PL, JK Bisht, A Pattanayak
Journal of Cleaner Production 211, 1284-1298, 2019
Sustainable agroforestry systems and their structural components as livelihood options along elevation gradient in central Himalaya
RP Yadav, B Gupta, PL Bhutia, JK Bisht, A Pattanayak
Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 1-23, 2018
Long-term tillage and irrigation management practices: Strategies to enhance crop and water productivity under rice-wheat rotation of Indian mid-Himalayan Region
M Choudhary, SC Panday, VS Meena, S Singh, RP Yadav, A Pattanayak, ...
Agricultural Water Management 232 (1), 1-13, 2020
Cutting management versus biomass and carbon stock of oak under high density plantation in Central Himalaya, India
RP Yadav, JK Bisht, BM Pandey, A Kumar, A Pattanayak
Applied Ecology & Environmental Research 14 (3), 207-214, 2016
Seed bio-priming of green gram with Rhizobium and levels of nitrogen and sulphur fertilization under sustainable agriculture
M Choudhary, BA Patel, VS Meena, RP Yadav, PC Ghasal
Legume Research, 2017
Litter fall and Potential Nutrient Returns from Pecan nut (Carya illinoinensis) in Agroforestry System in Indian Himalaya
RP Yadav, JK Bisht
International Journal of Herbal Medicine 2 (1), 51-52, 2014
Celtis australis Linn: A Multipurpose Tree Species in North West Himalaya
RP Yadav, JK Bisht
International Journal of Life-Sciences Scientific Research 1 (2), 67-70, 2015
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Articles 1–20