Philippe Preux
Philippe Preux
Professor of computer science, Université de Lille, LIFL, SequeL, INRIA
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Collaborative filtering with stacked denoising autoencoders and sparse inputs
F Strub, J Mary, P Philippe
NIPS workshop on machine learning for eCommerce, 2015
Towards hybrid evolutionary algorithms
P Preux, EG Talbi
International transactions in operational research 6 (6), 557-570, 1999
Operator-valued kernels for learning from functional response data
H Kadri, E Duflos, P Preux, S Canu, A Rakotomamonjy, J Audiffren
Journal of Machine Learning Research 17 (20), 1-54, 2016
Adversarially guided actor-critic
Y Flet-Berliac, J Ferret, O Pietquin, P Preux, M Geist
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.04376, 2021
Bandits and recommender systems
J Mary, R Gaudel, P Preux
Machine Learning, Optimization, and Big Data: First International Workshop …, 2015
Nonlinear functional regression: a functional RKHS approach
H Kadri, E Duflos, P Preux, S Canu, M Davy
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial …, 2010
Sparse temporal difference learning using LASSO
M Loth, M Davy, P Preux
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Approximate Dynamic Programming and …, 2007
Datum-wise classification: a sequential approach to sparsity
G Dulac-Arnold, L Denoyer, P Preux, P Gallinari
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2011
Consistent algorithms for clustering time series
A Khaleghi, D Ryabko, J Mary, P Preux
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 17 (1), 94-125, 2016
Fitness landscapes and performance of meta-heuristics
C Fonlupt, D Robilliard, P Preux, EG Talbi
Meta-heuristics: advances and trends in local search paradigms for …, 1999
A multi-armed bandit model selection for cold-start user recommendation
CZ Felício, KVR Paixão, CAZ Barcelos, P Preux
Proceedings of the 25th conference on user modeling, adaptation and …, 2017
Reinforcement learning for crop management support: Review, prospects and challenges
R Gautron, OA Maillard, P Preux, M Corbeels, R Sabbadin
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 200, 107182, 2022
“Virtual laboratory environment”(VLE): a software environment oriented agent and object for modeling and simulation of complex systems
E Ramat, P Preux
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 11 (1), 45-55, 2003
Bandits attack function optimization
P Preux, R Munos, M Valko
2014 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC), 2245-2252, 2014
Energy management for microgrids: a reinforcement learning approach
T Levent, P Preux, E Le Pennec, J Badosa, G Henri, Y Bonnassieux
2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), 1-5, 2019
A generalized kernel approach to structured output learning
H Kadri, M Ghavamzadeh, P Preux
International Conference on Machine Learning, 471-479, 2013
Scale transfer modeling: using emergent computation for coupling an ordinary differential equation system with a reactive agent model
R Duboz, É Ramat, P Preux
Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation 43 (6), 793-814, 2003
Recurrent neural networks for long and short-term sequential recommendation
K Villatel, E Smirnova, J Mary, P Preux
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.09142, 2018
Parallel hybrid meta-heuristics: application to the quadratic assignment problem
V Bachelet, P Preux, EG Talbi
Proceedings of the Parallel Optimization Colloquium, 233-242, 1996
A bit-wise epistasis measure for binary search spaces
C Fonlupt, D Robilliard, P Preux
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 47-56, 1998
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Articles 1–20