Vincent Michau
Vincent Michau
directeur de recherche, ONERA
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Comparison of centroid computation algorithms in a Shack–Hartmann sensor
S Thomas, T Fusco, A Tokovinin, M Nicolle, V Michau, G Rousset
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 371 (1), 323-336, 2006
Optimal wave-front reconstruction strategies for multiconjugate adaptive optics
T Fusco, JM Conan, G Rousset, LM Mugnier, V Michau
JOSA A 18 (10), 2527-2538, 2001
Improvement of Shack–Hartmann wave-front sensor measurement for extreme adaptive optics
M Nicolle, T Fusco, G Rousset, V Michau
Optics letters 29 (23), 2743-2745, 2004
Myopic deconvolution of adaptive optics images by use of object and point-spread function power spectra
JM Conan, LM Mugnier, T Fusco, V Michau, G Rousset
Applied Optics 37 (21), 4614-4622, 1998
Retrieving parameters of the anisotropic refractive index fluctuations spectrum in the stratosphere from balloon-borne observations of stellar scintillation
C Robert, JM Conan, V Michau, JB Renard, C Robert, F Dalaudier
JOSA A 25 (2), 379-393, 2008
Characterization of adaptive optics point spread function for anisoplanatic imaging. Application to stellar field deconvolution
T Fusco, JM Conan, LM Mugnier, V Michau, G Rousset
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 142 (1), 149-156, 2000
Adaptive optics: interaction matrix measurements and real time control algorithms for the COME-ON project
C Boyer, V Michau, G Rousset
Adaptive Optics and Optical Structures 1271, 63-81, 1990
Efficient phase estimation for large-field-of-view adaptive optics
T Fusco, JM Conan, V Michau, LM Mugnier, G Rousset
Optics letters 24 (21), 1472-1474, 1999
Myopic deconvolution from wave-front sensing
LM Mugnier, C Robert, JM Conan, V Michau, S Salem
JOSA A 18 (4), 862-872, 2001
Phase estimation for large field of view: application to multiconjugate adaptive optics
T Fusco, JM Conan, V Michau, LM Mugnier, G Rousset
Propagation and Imaging through the Atmosphere III 3763, 125-133, 1999
Wavefront sensing from extended sources
V Michau, G Rousset, J Fontanella
Real Time and Post Facto Solar Image Correction, 124, 1993
Femtosecond filamentation in turbulent air
A Houard, M Franco, B Prade, A Durécu, L Lombard, P Bourdon, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (3), 033804, 2008
Noise propagation in wave-front sensing with phase diversity
L Meynadier, V Michau, MT Velluet, JM Conan, LM Mugnier, G Rousset
Applied optics 38 (23), 4967-4979, 1999
Optimization of a Shack-Hartmann-based wavefront sensor for XAO systems
T Fusco, M Nicolle, G Rousset, V Michau, JL Beuzit, D Mouillet
Advancements in Adaptive Optics 5490, 1155-1166, 2004
Study of optimal wavefront sensing with elongated laser guide stars
SJ Thomas, S Adkins, D Gavel, T Fusco, V Michau
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 387 (1), 173-187, 2008
Scintillation and phase anisoplanatism in Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensing
C Robert, JM Conan, V Michau, T Fusco, N Vedrenne
JOSA A 23 (3), 613-624, 2006
ATLAS: the E-ELT laser tomographic adaptive optics system
T Fusco, S Meimon, Y Clenet, M Cohen, H Schnetler, J Paufique, ...
Adaptive Optics Systems II 7736, 151-162, 2010
Cn2 profile measurement from Shack-Hartmann data
N Védrenne, V Michau, C Robert, JM Conan
Optics letters 32 (18), 2659-2661, 2007
Adaptive optics for high data rate satellite to ground laser link
N Védrenne, JM Conan, C Petit, V Michau
Free-Space Laser Communication and Atmospheric Propagation XXVIII 9739, 119-128, 2016
Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensing with extended sources
V Michau, JM Conan, T Fusco, M Nicolle, C Robert, MT Velluet, ...
Atmospheric Optical Modeling, Measurement, and Simulation II 6303, 103-113, 2006
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Articles 1–20