Amparo Palacios López
Amparo Palacios López
Program Manager, Development Data Group, The World Bank
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Cited by
How much of the labor in African agriculture is provided by women?
A Palacios-Lopez, L Christiaensen, T Kilic
Food policy 67, 52-63, 2017
Caught in a productivity trap: A distributional perspective on gender differences in Malawian agriculture
T Kilic, A Palacios-Lopez, M Goldstein
World development 70, 416-463, 2015
The early labor market impacts of COVID-19 in developing countries
M Khamis, D Prinz, D Newhouse, A Palacios-Lopez, U Pape, M Weber
Policy research working paper 9510, 2021
Not your average job: Measuring farm labor in Tanzania
V Arthi, K Beegle, J De Weerdt, A Palacios-López
Journal of Development Economics 130, 160-172, 2018
The gender gap in agricultural productivity: the role of market imperfections
A Palacios-López, R López
The Journal of Development Studies 51 (9), 1175-1192, 2015
Why has Europe become environmentally cleaner? Decomposing the roles of fiscal, trade and environmental policies
R López, A Palacios
Environmental and Resource Economics 58, 91-108, 2014
How did the COVID-19 crisis affect different types of workers in the developing world?
M Kugler, M Viollaz, D Duque, I Gaddis, D Newhouse, A Palacios-Lopez, ...
World Development 170, 106331, 2023
Caught in a productivity trap: A distributional perspective on gender differences in Malawian agriculture
T Kilic, A Palacios-Lopez, M Goldstein
World Bank policy research working paper, 2013
How much of the labor in African agriculture is provided by women?
A Palacios-Lopez, L Christiaensen, T Kilic
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2015
Measuring farm labor: survey experimental evidence from Ghana
I Gaddis, G Oseni, A Palacios-Lopez, J Pieters
The World Bank Economic Review 35 (3), 604-634, 2021
Have government spending and energy tax policies contributed to make Europe environmentally cleaner?
RE Lopez, A Palacios
Micro-level welfare impacts of agricultural productivity: Evidence from rural Malawi
FA Darko, A Palacios-Lopez, T Kilic, J Ricker-Gilbert
The Transformation of Rural Africa, 149-174, 2020
Are the youth exiting agriculture en masse
E Maďga, L Christiaensen, A Palacios-Lopez
Center for the Study of African Economies Conference, Oxford, UK, 2015
The labor productivity gap between formal businesses run by women and men
AM Islam, I Gaddis, A Palacios López, M Amin
Feminist Economics 26 (4), 228-258, 2020
The labor productivity gap between female and male-managed firms in the formal private sector
A Islam, I Gaddis, A Palacios-Lopez, M Amin
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2018
Not your average job: measuring farm labor in Tanzania
V Arthi, K Beegle, J De Weerdt, A Palacios-Lopez, VS Arthi
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2016
Are women less productive farmers? How markets and risk affect fertilizer use, productivity, and measured gender effects in Uganda
DF Larson, S Savastano, S Murray, A Palacios-Lopez
How Markets and Risk Affect Fertilizer Use, Productivity, and Measured …, 2015
Decomposing the labour productivity gap between migrant-owned and native-owned firms in Sub-Saharan Africa
A Islam, A Palacios Lopez, M Amin
The Journal of Development Studies 55 (9), 2065-2082, 2019
Tracking the socioeconomic impacts of the pandemic in Nigeria: Results from the first three rounds of the Nigeria COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey
G Oseni, A Palacios-Lopez, K Mcgee, A Amankwah
World Bank Blog 16, 2020
On the determinants of low productivity in maize farming in Uganda: The role of markets, fertilizer use and gender
DF Larson, S Savastano, S Murray, A Palacios-López
In Pursuit of an African Green Revolution: Views from Rice and Maize Farmers …, 2016
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Articles 1–20