Arturas Razinkovas-Baziukas
Arturas Razinkovas-Baziukas
Lead Researcher, Marine Research Institute of the Klaipeda University
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An overview of ecological status, vulnerability and future perspectives of European large shallow, semi-enclosed coastal systems, lagoons and transitional waters
A Newton, J Icely, S Cristina, A Brito, AC Cardoso, F Colijn, S Dalla Riva, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 140, 95-122, 2014
Seasonality of coastal phytoplankton in the Baltic Sea: influence of salinity and eutrophication
ZR Gasiūnaitė, AC Cardoso, AS Heiskanen, P Henriksen, P Kauppila, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 65 (1-2), 239-252, 2005
Eutrophication in transitional waters: an overview
JM Zaldívar, P Viaroli, A Newton, R De Wit, C Ibañez, S Reizopoulou, ...
Transitional Waters Monographs 2 (1), 1-78, 2008
The relevance of marine chemical ecology to plankton and ecosystem function: an emerging field
A Ianora, MG Bentley, GS Caldwell, R Casotti, AD Cembella, ...
Marine Drugs 9 (9), 1625-1648, 2011
Hydraulic regime-based zonation scheme of the Curonian Lagoon
F Christian, R Arturas, G Saulius, U Georg, B Lina
Hydrobiologia 611, 133-146, 2008
The curonian lagoon
ZR Gasiūnaitė, D Daunys, S Olenin, A Razinkovas
Ecology of Baltic coastal waters, 197-215, 2008
Seasonal changes in phytoplankton composition and nutrient limitation in a shallow Baltic lagoon
R Pilkaityte, A Razinkovas
Boreal environment research 12 (5), 551, 2007
Factors controlling phytoplankton blooms in a temperate estuary: nutrient limitation and physical forcing
R Pilkaitytė, A Razinkovas
Marine Biodiversity: Patterns and Processes, Assessment, Threats, Management …, 2006
Analysis of trophic networks and carbon flows in south-eastern Baltic coastal ecosystems
MT Tomczak, B Müller-Karulis, L Järv, J Kotta, G Martin, A Minde, ...
Progress in Oceanography 81 (1-4), 111-131, 2009
Toxic cyanobacteria blooms in the Lithuanian part of the Curonian Lagoon
A Paldavičienė, H Mazur-Marzec, A Razinkovas
Oceanologia. 51 (2), 203-216, 2009
Feedback mechanisms between cyanobacterial blooms, transient hypoxia, and benthic phosphorus regeneration in shallow coastal environments
M Zilius, M Bartoli, M Bresciani, M Katarzyte, T Ruginis, J Petkuviene, ...
Estuaries and coasts 37, 680-694, 2014
Seasonal renewal time variability in the Curonian Lagoon caused by atmospheric and hydrographical forcing
G Umgiesser, P Zemlys, A Erturk, A Razinkova-Baziukas, J Mėžinė, ...
Ocean Science 12 (2), 391-402, 2016
Tracing the isotopic signal of a cyanobacteria bloom through the food web of a Baltic Sea coastal lagoon
J Lesutienė, PA Bukaveckas, ZR Gasiūnaitė, R Pilkaitytė, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 138, 47-56, 2014
Is benthic food web structure related to diversity of marine macrobenthic communities?
A Sokołowski, M Wołowicz, H Asmus, R Asmus, A Carlier, Z Gasiunaite, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 108, 76-86, 2012
Analysis of the climate change in Lithuanian coastal areas of the Baltic Sea
I Dailidienė, L Davulienė, L Kelpšaitė*, A Razinkovas
Journal of Coastal Research 28 (3), 557-569, 2012
Drivers of cyanobacterial blooms in a hypertrophic lagoon
M Bartoli, M Zilius, M Bresciani, D Vaiciute, I Vybernaite-Lubiene, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 434, 2018
In situ measurements and satellite remote sensing of case 2 waters: first results from the Curonian Lagoon
C Giardino, M Bresciani, R Pilkaityte, M Bartoli, A Razinkovas
Oceanologia 52 (2), 197-210, 2010
Bioaccumulation of microcystins in invasive bivalves: a case study from the boreal lagoon ecosystem
A Paldavičienė, A Zaiko, H Mazur-Marzec, A Razinkovas-Baziukas
Oceanologia 57 (1), 93-101, 2015
Phosphorus cycling in a freshwater estuary impacted by cyanobacterial blooms
J Petkuviene, M Zilius, I Lubiene, T Ruginis, G Giordani, ...
Estuaries and Coasts 39, 1386-1402, 2016
Retrospective analysis of spatial and temporal variability of chlorophyll-a in the Curonian Lagoon
M Bresciani, C Giardino, D Stroppiana, R Pilkaitytė, M Zilius, M Bartoli, ...
Journal of Coastal Conservation 16, 511-519, 2012
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Articles 1–20