Jonathan P Rothstein
Jonathan P Rothstein
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Slip on superhydrophobic surfaces
JP Rothstein
Annual review of fluid mechanics 42 (1), 89-109, 2010
Laminar drag reduction in microchannels using ultrahydrophobic surfaces
J Ou, B Perot, JP Rothstein
Physics of fluids 16 (12), 4635-4643, 2004
Drag reduction in turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces
RJ Daniello, NE Waterhouse, JP Rothstein
Physics of Fluids 21 (8), 2009
Direct velocity measurements of the flow past drag-reducing ultrahydrophobic surfaces
J Ou, JP Rothstein
Physics of fluids 17 (10), 2005
Direct numerical simulations of turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces
MB Martell, JB Perot, JP Rothstein
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 620, 31-41, 2009
The axisymmetric contraction–expansion: the role of extensional rheology on vortex growth dynamics and the enhanced pressure drop
JP Rothstein, GH McKinley
Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics 98 (1), 33-63, 2001
An analysis of superhydrophobic turbulent drag reduction mechanisms using direct numerical simulation
MB Martell, JP Rothstein, JB Perot
Physics of Fluids 22 (6), 2010
Extensional flow of a polystyrene Boger fluid through a 4: 1: 4 axisymmetric contraction/expansion
JP Rothstein, GH McKinley
Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics 86 (1-2), 61-88, 1999
Extensional rheology of a shear-thickening cornstarch and water suspension
EE Bischoff White, M Chellamuthu, JP Rothstein
Rheologica acta 49, 119-129, 2010
Hierarchical superhydrophobic surfaces fabricated by dual‐scale electron‐beam‐lithography with well‐ordered secondary nanostructures
J Feng, MT Tuominen, JP Rothstein
Advanced Functional Materials 21 (19), 3715-3722, 2011
A novel and inexpensive technique for creating superhydrophobic surfaces using Teflon and sandpaper
MA Nilsson, RJ Daniello, JP Rothstein
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (4), 045301, 2010
Transient evolution of shear-banding wormlike micellar solutions
E Miller, JP Rothstein
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 143 (1), 22-37, 2007
Transient extensional rheology of wormlike micelle solutions
JP Rothstein
Journal of Rheology 47 (5), 1227-1247, 2003
Filament stretching and capillary breakup extensional rheometry measurements of viscoelastic wormlike micelle solutions
A Bhardwaj, E Miller, JP Rothstein
Journal of Rheology 51 (4), 693-719, 2007
Effect of fluid rheology on enhanced oil recovery in a microfluidic sandstone device
MA Nilsson, R Kulkarni, L Gerberich, R Hammond, R Singh, E Baumhoff, ...
Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics 202, 112-119, 2013
Flow of a wormlike micelle solution past a falling sphere
S Chen, JP Rothstein
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 116 (2-3), 205-234, 2004
Drag reduction using superhydrophobic sanded Teflon surfaces
D Song, RJ Daniello, JP Rothstein
Experiments in fluids 55, 1-8, 2014
The effect of step-stretch parameters on capillary breakup extensional rheology (CaBER) measurements
E Miller, C Clasen, JP Rothstein
Rheologica acta 48, 625-639, 2009
Control of the sharkskin instability in the extrusion of polymer melts using induced temperature gradients
E Miller, JP Rothstein
Rheologica acta 44, 160-173, 2004
Strong flows of viscoelastic wormlike micelle solutions
JP Rothstein
Rheol. Rev 2008, 1-46, 2008
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Articles 1–20