Tienfuan Kerh
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Cited by
Artificial neural network for modeling reference evapotranspiration complex process in Sudano-Sahelian zone
S Traore, YM Wang, T Kerh
Agricultural water management 97 (5), 707-714, 2010
Neural network estimation of ground peak acceleration at stations along Taiwan high-speed rail system
T Kerh, SB Ting
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 18 (7), 857-866, 2005
Estimation of groundwater recharge using the chloride mass-balance method, Pingtung Plain, Taiwan
CS Ting, T Kerh, CJ Liao
Hydrogeology Journal 6, 282-292, 1998
Neural networks forecasting of flood discharge at an unmeasured station using river upstream information
T Kerh, CS Lee
Advances in Engineering Software 37 (8), 533-543, 2006
Neural networks approach and microtremor measurements in estimating peak ground acceleration due to strong motion
T Kerh, D Chu
Advances in Engineering Software 33 (11-12), 733-742, 2002
Neural network approach for estimating reference evapotranspiration from limited climatic data in Burkina Faso
YM Wang, S Traore, T Kerh
WSEAS Transactions on Computers 7 (6), 704-713, 2008
Transient fluid-structure interaction in a control valve
T Kerh, JJ Lee, LC Wellford
Monitoring event-based suspended sediment concentration by artificial neural network models
YM Wang, S Traore, T Kerh
WSEAS Transactions on Computers 5 (7), 359-368, 2008
Modelling reference evapotranspiration using feed forward backpropagation algorithm in arid regions of Africa
YM Wang, S Traore, T Kerh, JM Leu
Irrigation and Drainage 60 (3), 404-417, 2011
Applying evapotranspiration reference model and rainfall contribution index for agricultural water management plan in Burkina Faso
YM Wang, S Traore, T Kerh
African Journal of Agricultural Research 4 (12), 1493-1504, 2009
Neural networks approaches for modelling river suspended sediment concentration due to tropical storms
YM Wang, T Kerh, S Traore
Global NEST Journal 11 (4), 457-466, 2009
Analysis of a deformed three-dimensional culvert structure using neural networks
T Kerh, YC Yee
Advances in Engineering Software 31 (5), 367-375, 2000
Evaluation of seismic design values in the Taiwan building code by using artificial neural network
T Kerh, JS Lai, D Gunaratnam, R Saunders
Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 26 (1), 1, 2008
Modeling reference evapotranspiration by generalized regression neural network in semiarid zone of Africa
S Traore, YM Wang, T Kerh
WSEAS Trans. Inf. Sci. Appl 6, 991-1000, 2008
Neural computing with genetic algorithm in evaluating potentially hazardous metropolitan areas result from earthquake
T Kerh, D Gunaratnam, Y Chan
Neural Computing and Applications 19, 521-529, 2010
Computing and modeling for crop yields in Burkina Faso based on climatic data information
YM Wang, S Traore, T Kerh
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications 5 (7), 832-842, 2008
Assessment of evapotranspiration based on data information models at production sites in Burkina Faso
YM Wang, S Traore, T Kerh
WSEAS Transactions on Computers 6 (6), 880-887, 2007
Treatment and assessment of nonlinear seismic data by a genetic algorithm based neural network model
T Kerh, Y Chan, D Gunaratnam
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 10 (1 …, 2009
Estimation of consolidation settlement caused by groundwater drawdown using artificial neural networks
T Kerh, YG Hu, CH Wu
Advances in Engineering Software 34 (9), 559-568, 2003
A mixture neural methodology for computing rice consumptive water requirements in Fada N’Gourma Region, Eastern Burkina Faso
S Traore, YM Wang, CE Kan, T Kerh, JM Leu
Paddy and Water Environment 8, 165-173, 2010
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