Nicole Vliegen
Nicole Vliegen
Hoogleraar Klinische Psychologie
Geverifieerd e-mailadres voor ppw.kuleuven.be
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Emotional availability (EA): Theoretical background, empirical research using the EA Scales, and clinical applications
Z Biringen, D Derscheid, N Vliegen, L Closson, MA Easterbrooks
Developmental review 34 (2), 114-167, 2014
The course of postpartum depression: a review of longitudinal studies
N Vliegen, S Casalin, P Luyten
Harvard review of psychiatry 22 (1), 1-22, 2014
The structure and stability of temperament from infancy to toddlerhood: A one-year prospective study
S Casalin, P Luyten, N Vliegen, P Meurs
Infant Behavior and Development 35 (1), 94-108, 2012
A multimethod perspective on emotional availability in the postpartum period
N Vliegen, P Luyten, Z Biringen
Parenting: Science and Practice 9 (3-4), 228-243, 2009
Parental attachment dimensions and parenting stress: The mediating role of parental reflective functioning
L Nijssens, D Bleys, S Casalin, N Vliegen, P Luyten
Journal of Child and Family Studies 27, 2025-2036, 2018
Hospitalization-based treatment for postpartum depressed mothers and their babies: rationale, principles, and preliminary follow-up data
N Vliegen, S Casalin, P Luyten, R Docx, M Lenaerts, E Tang, S Kempke
Psychiatry: Interpersonal & Biological Processes 76 (2), 150-168, 2013
Equifinality, multifinality, and the rediscovery of the importance of early experiences: Pathways from early adversity to psychiatric and (functional) somatic disorders
P Luyten, N Vliegen, B Van Houdenhove, SJ Blatt
The Psychoanalytic study of the child 63 (1), 27-60, 2008
The mediating role of parental reflective functioning in child social–emotional development
L Nijssens, N Vliegen, P Luyten
Journal of Child and Family Studies 29 (8), 2342-2354, 2020
When do peers matter? The moderating role of peer support in the relationship between environmental adversity, complex trauma, and adolescent psychopathology in socially …
K Yearwood, N Vliegen, C Chau, J Corveleyn, P Luyten
Journal of Adolescence 72, 14-22, 2019
Parental psychological control, adolescent self‐criticism, and adolescent depressive symptoms: A latent change modeling approach in Belgian adolescents
D Bleys, B Soenens, S Claes, N Vliegen, P Luyten
Journal of clinical psychology 74 (10), 1833-1853, 2018
The role of dependency and self-criticism in the relationship between postpartum depression and anger
N Vliegen, P Luyten
Personality and Individual Differences 45 (1), 34-40, 2008
Stability and change in levels of depression and personality: a follow-up study of postpartum depressed mothers that were hospitalized in a mother-infant unit
N Vliegen, P Luyten, A Besser, S Casalin, S Kempke, E Tang
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 198 (1), 45-51, 2010
Dependency and self‐criticism in post‐partum depression and anxiety: A case control study
N Vliegen, P Luyten
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy: An International Journal of Theory …, 2009
Systematic empirical investigation of vulnerability to postpartum depression from a psychodynamic perspective: Commentary on issues raised by Blum (2007).
A Besser, N Vliegen, P Luyten, SJ Blatt
Educational Publishing Foundation 25 (2), 392, 2008
Adaptive and maladaptive dimensions of relatedness and self-definition: Relationship with postpartum depression and anxiety
N Vliegen, P Luyten, P Meurs, G Cluckers
Personality and Individual Differences 41 (3), 395-406, 2006
A longitudinal cross-lagged study of the role of parental self-criticism, dependency, depression, and parenting stress in the development of child negative affectivity
S Casalin, P Luyten, A Besser, S Wouters, N Vliegen
Self and Identity 13 (4), 491-511, 2014
The role of intergenerational similarity and parenting in adolescent self-criticism: An actor–partner interdependence model
D Bleys, B Soenens, L Boone, S Claes, N Vliegen, P Luyten
Journal of adolescence 49, 68-76, 2016
Prevalence of exposure to complex trauma and community violence and their associations with internalizing and externalizing symptoms
K Yearwood, N Vliegen, C Chau, J Corveleyn, P Luyten
Journal of interpersonal violence 36 (1-2), 843-861, 2021
Vulnerability to postpartum depression from a psychodynamic perspective: Systematic empirical base commentary on issues raised by Blum (2007)
A Besser, N Vliegen, P Luyten, SJ Blatt
Psychoanalytic Psychology 25 (2), 392-410, 2008
Parental personality, stress generation, and infant temperament in emergent parent-child relationships: Evidence for a moderated mediation model
S Casalin, E Tang, N Vliegen, P Luyten
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 33 (3), 270-291, 2014
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