Gaël combe
Gaël combe
Laboratoire 3SR - Grenoble - France
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Experimental micromechanical analysis of a 2D granular material: relation between structure evolution and loading path
F Calvetti, G Combe, J Lanier
Mechanics of Cohesive‐frictional Materials: An International Journal on …, 1997
Experimental and discrete element modeling studies of the trapdoor problem: influence of the macro-mechanical frictional parameters
B Chevalier, G Combe, P Villard
Acta Geotechnica 7 (1), 15-39, 2012
Quasistatic rheology and the origins of strain
JN Roux, G Combe
Comptes Rendus Physique 3 (2), 131-140, 2002
Two-scale modeling of granular materials: a DEM-FEM approach
M Nitka, G Combe, C Dascalu, J Desrues
Granular Matter 13 (3), 277-281, 2011
Experimental validation of a nonextensive scaling law in confined granular media
G Combe, V Richefeu, M Stasiak, APF Atman
Physical review letters 115 (23), 238301, 2015
Coupling between finite and discrete element methods for the modelling of earth structures reinforced by geosynthetic
P Villard, B Chevalier, B Le Hello, G Combe
Computers and Geotechnics 36 (5), 709-717, 2009
Strain versus stress in a model granular material: a Devil's staircase
G Combe, JN Roux
Physical Review Letters 85 (17), 3628, 2000
FEM× DEM modelling of cohesive granular materials: numerical homogenisation and multi-scale simulations
TK Nguyen, G Combe, D Caillerie, J Desrues
Acta Geophysica 62, 1109-1126, 2014
An experimental assessment of displacement fluctuations in a 2D granular material subjected to shear
V Richefeu, G Combe, G Viggiani
Géotechnique Letters 2 (3), 113-118, 2012
Scale separation in granular packings: stress plateaus and fluctuations
C Goldenberg, APF Atman, P Claudin, G Combe, I Goldhirsch
Physical review letters 96 (16), 168001, 2006
From discrete to continuum modelling of boundary value problems in geomechanics: An integrated FEM‐DEM approach
J Desrues, A Argilaga, D Caillerie, G Combe, TK Nguyen, V Richefeu, ...
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2019
Investigation of load-transfer mechanisms in geotechnical earth structures with thin fill platforms reinforced by rigid inclusions
B Chevalier, P Villard, G Combe
International Journal of Geomechanics 11 (3), 239-250, 2011
Sensitivity of the stress response function to packing preparation
APF Atman, P Brunet, J Geng, G Reydellet, G Combe, P Claudin, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17 (24), S2391, 2005
Particle shape dependence in 2D granular media
B Saint-Cyr, K Szarf, C Voivret, E Azéma, V Richefeu, JY Delenne, ...
Europhysics Letters 98 (4), 44008, 2012
Polygons vs. clumps of discs: A numerical study of the influence of grain shape on the mechanical behaviour of granular materials
K Szarf, G Combe, P Villard
Powder technology 208 (2), 279-288, 2011
Discrete numerical simulation, quasistatic deformation and the origins of strain in granular materials
G Combe, JN Roux
arXiv preprint arXiv:0901.3842, 2009
How granular materials deform in quasistatic conditions
JN Roux, G Combe
AIP Conference Proceedings 1227 (1), 260-270, 2010
A study of the influence of REV variability in double‐scale FEM× DEM analysis
G Shahin, J Desrues, SD Pont, G Combe, A Argilaga
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 107 (10), 882-900, 2016
X-ray CT analysis of the evolution of ballast grain morphology along a Micro-Deval test: key role of the asperity scale
I Deiros Quintanilla, G Combe, F Emeriault, C Voivret, JF Ferellec
Granular Matter 21 (2), 30, 2019
Experimental and numerical study of the response of granular layer in the trap‐door problem
B Chevalier, G Combe, P Villard
AIP conference proceedings 1145 (1), 649-652, 2009
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