Anand Ashok Sawant
Anand Ashok Sawant
Endor Labs
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On the reaction to deprecation of 25,357 clients of 4+ 1 popular Java APIs
AA Sawant, R Robbes, A Bacchelli
32nd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2016
On the reaction to deprecation of clients of 4+ 1 popular Java APIs and the JDK
AA Sawant, R Robbes, A Bacchelli
Empirical Software Engineering 23, 2158-2197, 2018
What makes a code change easier to review: an empirical investigation on code change reviewability
A Ram, AA Sawant, M Castelluccio, A Bacchelli
Proceedings of the 2018 26th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software …, 2018
fine-GRAPE: fine-Grained APi usage Extractor An Approach and Dataset to Investigate API Usage
AA Sawant, A Bacchelli
Empirical Software Engineering, 1-24, 2016
A dataset for API usage
AA Sawant, A Bacchelli
2015 IEEE/ACM 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 506-509, 2015
Understanding developers' needs on deprecation as a language feature
AA Sawant, M Aniche, A van Deursen, A Bacchelli
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2018
To react, or not to react: Patterns of reaction to API deprecation
AA Sawant, R Robbes, A Bacchelli
Empirical Software Engineering 24, 3824-3870, 2019
Revisiting test smells in automatically generated tests: limitations, pitfalls, and opportunities
A Panichella, S Panichella, G Fraser, AA Sawant, VJ Hellendoorn
2020 IEEE international conference on software maintenance and evolution …, 2020
Extending source code pre-trained language models to summarise decompiled binaries
A Al-Kaswan, T Ahmed, M Izadi, AA Sawant, P Devanbu, A van Deursen
2023 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and …, 2023
Why are features deprecated? an investigation into the motivation behind deprecation
AA Sawant, G Huang, G Vilen, S Stojkovski, A Bacchelli
2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution …, 2018
Test smells 20 years later: detectability, validity, and reliability
A Panichella, S Panichella, G Fraser, AA Sawant, VJ Hellendoorn
Empirical Software Engineering 27 (7), 170, 2022
The growing cost of deep learning for source code
VJ Hellendoorn, AA Sawant
Communications of the ACM 65 (1), 31-33, 2021
Learning to predict user-defined types
K Jesse, PT Devanbu, A Sawant
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 49 (4), 1508-1522, 2022
Visualizing code and coverage changes for code review
S Oosterwaal, A Deursen, R Coelho, AA Sawant, A Bacchelli
Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on …, 2016
Learning to find usages of library functions in optimized binaries
T Ahmed, P Devanbu, AA Sawant
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 48 (10), 3862-3876, 2021
Naturally!: How breakthroughs in natural language processing can dramatically help developers
AA Sawant, P Devanbu
IEEE Software 38 (5), 118-123, 2021
Training industrial end‐user programmers with interactive tutorials
N Ritschel, AA Sawant, D Weintrop, R Holmes, A Bacchelli, R Garcia, ...
Software: Practice and Experience 53 (3), 729-747, 2023
Understanding developers’ needs on deprecation as a language feature. In 2018 IEEE/ACM 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
AA Sawant, M Aniche, A van Deursen, A Bacchelli
IEEE, 2018
The indolent lambdification of Java: Understanding the support for lambda expressions in the Java ecosystem
F Petrulio, AA Sawant, A Bacchelli
Empirical Software Engineering 26, 1-36, 2021
Finding Inlined Functions in Optimized Binaries
T Ahmed, P Devanbu, AA Sawant
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.05221, 2021
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