Haiyi Harry Mao
Haiyi Harry Mao
Andere namenHaiyi Mao
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Systems and methods for virtual facial makeup removal and simulation, fast facial detection and landmark tracking, reduction in input video lag and shaking, and a method for …
Y Fu, W Shuyang
US Patent 10,939,742, 2021
Robust multi-view feature selection
H Liu, H Mao, Y Fu
2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 281-290, 2016
Deep decision tree transfer boosting
S Jiang, H Mao, Z Ding, Y Fu
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (2), 383-395, 2019
Sampling through the lens of sequential decision making
JX Dou, AQ Pan, R Bao, HH Mao, L Luo, ZH Mao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.08056, 2022
Learning more effective cell representations efficiently
JX Dou, M Jia, N Zaslavsky, M Ebeid, R Bao, S Zhang, K Ni, PP Liang, ...
NeurIPS 2022 Workshop on Learning Meaningful Representations of Life, 2022
Super resolution of the partial pixelated images with deep convolutional neural network
H Mao, Y Wu, J Li, Y Fu
Proceedings of the 24th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 322-326, 2016
Towards cross-modal causal structure and representation learning
H Mao, H Liu, JX Dou, PV Benos
Machine Learning for Health, 120-140, 2022
COEM: cross-modal embedding for metacell identification
H Mao, M Jia, JX Dou, H Zhang, PV Benos
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.07734, 2022
Demystify the Gravity Well in the Optimization Landscape (student abstract)
JX Dou, R Bao, S Song, S Yang, Y Zhang, PP Liang, HH Mao
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (13), 16202 …, 2023
Systems and methods for virtual facial makeup removal and simulation, fast facial detection and landmark tracking, reduction in input video lag and shaking, and method for …
Y Fu, W Shuyang, S Lee, B Sun, KHE Cheung
US Patent 11,039,675, 2021
Systems and methods for virtual facial makeup removal and simulation, fast facial detection and landmark tracking, reduction in input video lag and shaking, and a method for …
Y Fu, H Mao
US Patent 11,344,102, 2022
The Measurement of Knowledge in Knowledge Graphs
JX Dou, H Mao, R Bao, PP Liang, X Tan, S Zhang, M Jia, P Zhou, ZH Mao
Proceedings of the AAAI 2023 Workshop on Representation Learning for …, 2023
Interpretable factors in scrna-seq data with disentangled generative models
H Mao, MJ Broerman, PV Benos
2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering …, 2020
Decomposable Sparse Tensor on Tensor Regression
H Mao, JX Dou
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.05024, 2022
Systems and Methods for Virtual Facial Makeup Removal and Simulation, Fast Facial Detection and Landmark Tracking, Reduction in Input Video Lag and Shaking, and Method for …
Y Fu, W Shuyang, S Lee, S Jiang, B Sun, H Mao, KHE Cheung
US Patent App. 17/827,750, 2022
Towards hierarchical causal representation learning for nonstationary multi-omics data
H Mao, M Jia, M Di, K Zhang, PV Benos
bioRxiv, 2022.10. 17.512602, 2022
LaGrACE: Estimating gene program dysregulation using latent gene regulatory network for biomedical discovery
M Jia, H Mao, M Zhou, YC Chen, PV Benos
bioRxiv, 2024.04. 29.591756, 2024
Demystify the Gravity Well in the Optimization Landscape
JXDR Bao, S Song, S Yang, Y Zhang, PP Liang, HH Mao
Systems and methods for virtual facial makeup removal and simulation, fast facial detection and landmark tracking, reduction in input video lag and shaking, and method for …
Y Fu, B Sun, H Mao
US Patent 11,000,107, 2021
Enhance ‘Similar’Cell Identification Through OptimalTransport
JX Dou, M Jia, R Bao, HH Mao
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