Gerardo Orellana
Gerardo Orellana
Antwerp University, Universidad del Azuay
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Cited by
A study on the impact of pre-processing techniques in Spanish and english text classification over short and large text documents
G Orellana, B Arias, M Orellana, V Saquicela, F Baculima, N Piedra
2018 international conference on information systems and computer science …, 2018
Similarity Detection among Academic Contents through Semantic Technologies and Text Mining.
V Saquicela, F Baculima, G Orellana, N Piedra, M Orellana, M Espinoza
IWSW, 1-12, 2018
On the differences between unit and integration testing in the travistorrent dataset
G Orellana, G Laghari, A Murgia, S Demeyer
2017 IEEE/ACM 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories …, 2017
A text mining methodology to discover syllabi similarities among higher education institutions
G Orellana, M Orellana, V Saquicela, F Baculima, N Piedra
2018 International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Science …, 2018
A Text Mining Approach to Discover Real-Time Transit Events from Twitter
BA Zhañay, GO Cordero, MO Cordero, MIA Urigüen
Conference on Information Technologies and Communication of Ecuador, 155-169, 2018
Cambios emocionales en las diferentes etapas del embarazo de las gestantes que acuden a control por consulta externa del área de salud n 1 Pumapungo perteneciente a la zonal 6 …
A Morocho, G Orellana, J Ortega
Tesis de Licenciatura][Internet]. Quito, Ecuador: Universidad Estatal de …, 2015
Estrategias de aprendizaje en adolescentes en una unidad educativa en cuenca
E Escandón, G Orellana
Tesis de licenciatura). Universidad de cuenca. Ecuador. Recuperado de https …, 2018
An Open Source Synchronous and Asynchronous Approach for Database Replication
MO Cordero, GO Cordero, EC Martinez
Conference on Information Technologies and Communication of Ecuador, 45-56, 2018
Detección de Similitudes entre Contenidos Académicos de Carrera mediante Tecnologías Semánticas y Minería de Textos
VH Saquicela, JF Baculima, G Orellana, N Piedra, M Orellana, ...
XV Congreso Internacional de Información Info'2018, 2018
A subject syllabus similarity analysis to address students mobility issue
VH Saquicela Galarza, JF Baculima Cumbe, G Orellana, M Orellana, ...
International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, IIIS, 2018
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Articles 1–10