Dipika Das
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Zitiert von
Transformative engagements with gender relations in agriculture and water governance
S Leder, G Shrestha, D Das
New Angle: Nepal journal of social science and public policy, 2019
Participatory gender training for community groups: a manual for critical discussions on gender norms, roles and relations
S Leder, D Das, A Reckers, E Karki
Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR …, 2016
Gendered challenges and coping strategies of women smallholder farmers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal’s Tarai region: A feminist political ecology perspective
D Das, S Poudel, P Dhakal, KL Dutta
Global Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, Nepal, 2023
Boundary making, boundary shaking in resource governance projects: Reflections on the making of life-in-common through farmer collectives for irrigation in the Eastern Gangetic …
S Leder, F Clement, D Das
EPE Journal, 2023
Impact of COIVID-19 and coping strategies of smallholder farmers of Eastern Terai region of Nepal
D Das
Gender in Aquaculture & Fisheries (GAF8), 21-23 November 2022, Kochi, Kerala …, 2022
An Examination of the Factors Impacting on the Farm Bargaining Intentions of Smallholder Women Farmers in the Eastern Gangetic Plains
D Das
University of Southern Queensland, 2022
Influence of the gender and local norms on the smallholder women farmers farm bargaining in the Eastern Gangetic Plain region
D Das
Cultivating Equality 2021 conference, 12-15 2021, Wageningen University …, 2021
Gendered Impact of COVID-19 in Academic Sector
D Das
GlobInstitute of Interdisciplinary Studies (GIIS) Chapter 6 pp.28-31, GIIS …, 2021
Gendered challenges of bargaining in agricultural value chains in the Eastern Gangetic Plains
D Das
Seeds of Change, University of Canberra, Australia 2-4 April 2019, 2019
Transformative engagements with gender relations in agriculture and water resource management
S Leder, G Shrestha, D Das
New angle/Nepal journal of social science and public policy 5 (1), 2019
Improving water use for dry season agriculture by marginal and tenant farmers in the Eastern Gangetic Plains. Canberra : Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
Influence of gender dynamics on women’s nutrition in Central Terai region of Nepal 2012/13
D Das
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, 2013
A Qualitative Study on status of free health care services at Primary Health Care Centers and District Hospitals of Six districts of Nepal
B Shrestha, S Bhattrai, D Das
Nepal Health Research Council 1, 135, 2008
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