Esther Marijnen
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Cited by
Why we must question the militarisation of conservation
R Duffy, F Massé, E Smidt, E Marijnen, B Büscher, J Verweijen, ...
Biological conservation 232, 66-73, 2019
Selling green militarization: The discursive (re) production of militarized conservation in the Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of the Congo
E Marijnen, J Verweijen
Geoforum 75, 274-285, 2016
The counterinsurgency/conservation nexus: guerrilla livelihoods and the dynamics of conflict and violence in the Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of the Congo
J Verweijen, E Marijnen
The Journal of Peasant Studies 45 (2), 300-320, 2018
From racialized neocolonial global conservation to an inclusive and regenerative conservation
P Kashwan, R V. Duffy, F Massé, AP Asiyanbi, E Marijnen
Environment: science and policy for sustainable development 63 (4), 4-19, 2021
The ‘green militarisation’of development aid: the European Commission and the Virunga National Park, DR Congo
E Marijnen
Third World Quarterly 38 (7), 1566-1582, 2017
Public authority and conservation in areas of armed conflict: Virunga National Park as a ‘state within a state’in eastern Congo
E Marijnen
Development and Change 49 (3), 790-814, 2018
Statistics versus livelihoods: questioning Rwanda’s pathway out of poverty
A Ansoms, E Marijnen, G Cioffo, J Murison
Review of African Political Economy 44 (151), 47-65, 2017
Conservation in violent environments: Introduction to a special issue on the political ecology of conservation amidst violent conflict
E Marijnen, L De Vries, R Duffy
Political Geography 87, 2021
Pluralising political forests: unpacking “the State” by tracing Virunga's Charcoal Chain
E Marijnen, J Verweijen
Antipode 52 (4), 996-1017, 2020
Electrifying the green peace? Electrification, conservation and conflict in Eastern Congo
E Marijnen, P Schouten
Conflict, Security & Development 19 (1), 15-34, 2019
Conservation as a social contract in a violent frontier: The case of (Anti-) poaching in Garamba National Park, eastern DR Congo
K Titeca, P Edmond, G Marchais, E Marijnen
Political Geography 78, 102116, 2020
Rwanda 2025: Scenarios for the future political stability of Rwanda
E Marijnen, J van Lijn
Rwanda Fast Forward: Social, Economic, Military and Reconciliation Prospects …, 2012
Conflicts around Virunga National Park: Grassroots perspectives
J Verweijen, S Kubuya, E Mahamba, E Marijnen, J Murairi, C Mvano
Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law, 2020
Lakes as rebellious landscapes: from ‘fishing rebels’ to ‘fishy state officials’ in DR Congo
E Marijnen
Geoforum 133, 208-216, 2022
Eco-war tourism: Affective geographies, colonial durabilities and the militarization of conservation
E Marijnen
Security Dialogue 53 (6), 550-566, 2022
The Sahel Crisis: Where do European And African Perspectives Meet
D Fiott, H Hoebeke, E Marijnen, A Mattelaer
Institute for European Studies, Policy Brief, 2013
The coloniality of crisis conservation: The transnationalization and militarization of Virunga National Park from an historical perspective
E Marijnen
The violence of conservation in Africa, 53-72, 2022
EU peacekeeping in Africa: Towards an indirect approach
A Mattelaer, E Marijnen
Peacekeeping in Africa, 54-72, 2014
Clichés can kill in Congo
C Vogel, G Mathys, J Verweijen, A Benton, R Sweet, E Marijnen
Foreign Policy 30, 2019
Virunga’s white savior complex
ME Baaz, D Gondola, E Marijnen, J Verweijen, K Vlassenroot
Foreign Affairs, 1-3, 2015
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Articles 1–20